Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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allow to acquire consciousness of God, uplift and liberate being, improve discernment, widen space-time and make sadness disappear.

When the incarnate spiritual soul serves the Supreme Lord, it frees itself from all material needs and its senses are purified by the simple fact of being employed in the service of the Supreme Eternal.

In truth, reincarnation is a reality hidden from men by demonic beings. Reincarnation is actualized by actions, thoughts, words, and desires, which determine what our next existence will be, and which body will be ours. Then the cycle of rebirth and death will begin without end, accompanied by its share of suffering.

The evidence is there, all around us. We only have to look at the human beings in front of us to understand that their blindness, deformity, physical problem, repeated suffering and others, are the result of sinful acts committed in their previous life.

All those who surrender themselves to God, who love him, who obey him, who do his will and who serve him with love and devotion, escape from reincarnation, for the Lord will put an end to their sojourn in the material universe, and will take them to Him in His absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

Logos 456

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Krishna, God, the Supreme Person reveals the spiritual world to his devotees, King Nanda Maharaja, and the shepherds.

When He was on earth 5,000 years ago, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person manifested in the eyes of his devotees, the shepherds, the place of their destiny, the absolute kingdom.

Common human beings are most often unaware of the existence of another world, the spiritual world, where life is eternal, all of knowledge and bliss. Spreading his goodness on all conditioned souls, the Lord shows his devotees a very special favor. He judged that the latter should learn that there is a spiritual atmosphere, and see the spiritual planets which float there.

Conditioned souls in this material world bathe in the darkness of ignorance and all act according to a concept of existence dictated by the body. Each one has the illusion of belonging to the material world, too, this belief forces her to act in ignorance, within the various forms of life.

We call karma, or self-interested acts, the acts in which beings perform in different material bodies. All conditioned souls act according to the particular body they have put on. The acts they perform today determine their condition tomorrow. Very little informed of the spiritual world, they generally do not adopt spiritual activities, or




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