Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 472 of 624

All those who work for evil, who dare to call evil good, and who, by their criminal actions prove that they are acting under the influence of illusory energy, will be severely punished by divine justice. By making the innocent suffer, and by shedding blood without qualms and with coldness, they condemn themselves to damnation. They will enter the abyss, from which they will never come out, unless they change their behavior, repent, and decide to listen to God. Although they are still among men, they are already spiritually dead.

God Himself warns us that the material universe is a world of suffering, which will one day be annihilated.

Those who say they are great In the world of men, they have no greatness but their ignorance, for verily they do not know that they owe their position and their power to the Supreme Eternal.

One is great in power, intelligence, wisdom, and beauty, it is the Eternal Supreme. He is the original cause of all causes and the source of all that exists. Without Him nothing exists, and without His consent, nothing can happen or take place.

God's proposal is by far the most beautiful. It begins with love for God, continues by strengthening the bond of love that unites us to Him through the devotional service we offer Him, and ends in the kingdom of God where the Lord offers us absolute knowledge., permanent, uninterrupted and perfect bliss or bliss, and life everlasting.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person said: Abandon yourself to Me, and I will give you intelligence through which you can come to Me.

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, through such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.

Put the Lord in our mind, be penetrated with the consciousness of God, reason and act in as a spiritual entity, placing oneself under the authority of the Supreme Lord and loving one another will bring peace and harmony on earth.

Logos 455

Goto table of logos

When, those who choose way of wickedness in all its forms will they understand, that hatred, racism, resentment, anger, revenge and violence engender closed-mindedness, sclerotic the intellect, undermine discernment, prevent any prospect of future, accentuate sadness, increase suffering, and plunge the being into the cycle of repeated rebirth and death?

Only unconditional love, kindness, kindness, generosity, compassion, tolerance, mercy, magnanimity, humility and benevolence, open the mind to God, to the truth,




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