Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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God is the ultimate and unique goal of existence.
See this complete topic in the logos 422

Why should we not abort?
See this complete topic in the logos 435

Our actions and our current activities are sure to determine what our next life will be.
See this full topic in the logos 441

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is vegetarian, and like Him, let's embrace spiritual vegetarianism.
See this full topic in the logos 442

In truth, The American dream is a lure, a brake on the development of spirituality and spiritual realization.
See this full topic in the logos 454

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person reveals the spiritual world to his devotees, King Nanda Maharaja, and the shepherds.
See this topic in the logos 456

'encourage and never practice euthanasia, NEVER.
View this full topic in the logos 457

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is All Love, and Absolute Goodness.
View this topic in the logos 458

True justice, that of which God is the initiator and the propagator, has for essence its divine nature, law, impartiality, equity, morality, virtue, ethics, harmony and peace.
See this topic in the logos 462

The true liberation, also called hello.
See this topic in the logos 463

Teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

This sublime knowledge enunciated by the Supreme Lord Himself possesses in its essence the purity of Absolute Truth. This is why it is said that he is beyond human knowledge.

The word of God is pure and saving. She is the heavenly food and the drink that gives life. It spreads divine knowledge which opens the mind to the truth, and reveals God as he really is. She is the flaming sword that destroys evil, annihilates demonic disbelievers, and impurities. It pours out blessings, and is the purifying essence. It is the knowledge that shows the right path, sweeps away doubts, fears, and strengthens the mind. The essence of his word is love Whoever listens to God will never be confused or lost

The science of God or pure spiritual science is intended to uplift the human being from ignorance to virtue. He can then penetrate the knowledge of the soul, of the truth and to know God as he really is. Thanks to her he can learn how to continue his spiritual evolution to the level of pure virtue, and under the aegis of a spiritual master authentic servant of God, pierce the secret of the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord, who alone can bring us closer to God, and enable us to live with him in his eternal kingdom.

This science is particularly intended to protect living beings, the peoples of the whole world, and the leaders of each country have the duty to study it, to grasp its deep meaning, if they want to perfectly govern the state and save their fellow citizens from the concupiscence which chains them to matter. The first mission of man is to cultivate spiritual knowledge, to regain his eternal relationship with Krishna, God, the

Supreme Person. On all planets and in every nation, it is incumbent upon rulers to share this knowledge, this science of God-consciousness, or Krishna consciousness, with their fellow citizens; by offering them education, culture as well as teaching them devotion, so that they all have the opportunity to lead positive lives and make the most of their human form.




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