Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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In the present age, the essence of all Vedic knowledge will be found in the Bhagavad-gita, [Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person] which is personally spoken by God. This same Divine Person, appearing in the guise of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, is spreading the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita throughout the world. In other words, God, the Supreme Person, Krishna, is so good and so merciful to mankind that He always remains anxious to bring fallen souls back to their original home, to Him. Lord Chaitanya, the Avatar of Gold, is a very handsome boy whose complexion is like molten gold.

Teaching of Lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu to his disciple Roupa Gosvami.

The universe is populated by innumerable living beings who, through their own self-interested acts, transmigrate (reincarnate) from one species to another and roam from planet to planet. This is how their imprisonment in matter has been perpetuated since time immemorial. These living beings are infinitesimal fragments of the Supreme Soul, spiritual fragments whose dimensions it is possible to know. The distinct soul (distinct from God) measures approximately one ten thousandth of the tip of a hair.

The Lord continues his teaching by emphasizing the existence of two classes of living beings: those who are eternally liberated and those who are eternally conditioned by matter. These in turn are subdivided into two categories, mobile beings and immobile beings. Trees, which cannot move, belong to this second category. The others, the mobile beings, such as birds and beasts, are further subdivided into three categories: those who fly in the air (birds), those who swim in water (aquatic beings) and those who move on dry land (humans and other animals). Of the millions upon billions of earthly beings, humans are only a minority, most of whom know nothing about spirituality, are unclean and do not believe in the existence of God, the Supreme Person. In short, they live like animals. They can therefore be subtracted from the number of human beings who live in a civilized manner.

All things considered, we hardly find a handful of humans who believe in the holy scriptures and in the existence of God, even in sound conduct. Now, those who appreciate the value of such principles are called Aryans, in that they believe in spiritual evolution. Among those who believe in the holy scriptures and in the progress of human civilization, we recognize two classes, the righteous and the ungodly. The former generally engage in self-interested action, that is, in virtuous acts the fruits of which are likely to increase their sensory pleasures. Of the masses who belong to this group, very few get to know the Absolute Truth, like the philosophers. Among hundreds of thousands of such empiricists (philosophers), only a handful will actually achieve liberation and understand at least theoretically that being in itself is not made of material elements, but rather is a soul. spiritual, distinct from matter.




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