Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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To give too much importance to the understanding of the prestigious glories of the Lord reduces the possibility of intimate exchanges of love with his person. And it is to unveil the principles that lie at the basis of such exchanges of love that the Lord decides to appear as Chaitanya. The regulated practice of devotional service inspired by respect and reverence can make it possible to reach Vaikuṇṭha, the spiritual world, and to obtain the four kinds of liberation: [To obtain the same perfections as the Lord, to obtain a form similar to that of the Lord, to live in the personal company of the Lord and to reside on a Vaikuṇṭha, spiritual planet.]

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person said: I will open the way for the religion of this age, by the collective chanting of the holy name of the Lord. I will thus give the world to taste the four forms of sweet exchanged which are attached to the service of love and devotion, and thereby make it dance with ecstasy.

Accepting the role of a devotee, I will teach by My example the practice of devotional service.

My plenary emanations are sufficient to establish the religious principles specific to each age. But none other than Me can bestow the loving service that the inhabitants of Vraja perform.

In order to teach the highest principles of spirituality, the Lord appeared in the guise of a devotee in the person of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar. There are many blessing Avatars, but only Krishna can bestow the love of God on submissive souls.

Upon these thoughts, Kṛiṣhṇa, the Supreme Lord, descended in person to Nadia (District of West Bengal State, East India), at the dawn of the Iron Age, the present age, known to be the age of strife, strife, hypocrisy and sin. The Iron Age has a duration of 432,000 years, of which only 4,586 had passed when Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. There are 5,000 years appeared Krishna in his personal form, original and absolute, and recently it was 500 years ago, it appeared as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, in this same design, to show special mercy to the fallen souls of this present age. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on February 18, 1486 to spread the song of the holy name, to spread the love of God and to bring fallen souls back to him. Raising his arms, chanting the holy name and laying on all his gaze charged with love, He dispels all sins and overwhelms beings with love for God.

Here are the two reasons which gave birth to the Lord's desire to descend into this world: He wanted to taste the essence of the sweet feelings born of love for God and He wanted to spread spontaneous devotional service throughout the earth. Also He is celebrated as the infinitely blessed and as the most merciful. Thus appeared to Navadvīpa (Bengal) Chaitanya, like a lion. His build, his power, his resounding voice, because very beautiful and serious, everything in Him reminds us of the lion.




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