Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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All Avatars are plenary emanations of the Lord, or emanations of his plenary emanations, but Krishna Himself is God, the Supreme Lord in his primordial, original and Absolute form. Whenever in any place of the universe the demonic disbelievers sow disorder, the Lord appears to protect his devotees. We must especially distinguish Krishna, the Supreme Lord, from all other Avatars. If we count him all the same among the Avatars, it is because in his infinite mercy, He descended from his spiritual realm [the word Avatar literally means descending]. All Avatars, including the Lord in his primordial form, descend to different planets in the universe as well as to different living species, in order to fulfill specific missions. Sometimes the Lord comes in person, and at other times He delegates his various plenary emanations, or their emanations, or even his partial emanations, directly or indirectly endowed by Him with powers. By nature, the Lord fully possesses all excellences, beauty, wealth, fame, power, wisdom and renunciation, and if it happens that his plenary emanations or their emanations show only a part of them when they appear, it is only, let's understand it, to meet the requirements of their respective missions.

So, all Avatars, all divine manifestations, are described in the original holy scriptures. An impostor would therefore have no chance to pass himself off as an Avatar to men who know the original holy scriptures. Especially since an Avatar does not claim this title for itself. These are the great sages who agree on his Divinity in the light of the indications given in the verses, which mention the characteristics specific to each Avatar, as well as his particular mission.

Lord Chaitanya is the Supreme Being descended in person to call to Himself the cohorts of fallen souls. The precise purpose of its advent, just a few centuries ago, was to establish the Vedic truth that There is a Supreme God who maintains countless living beings. Lord Chaitanya therefore appeared Himself to convince the masses of the true nature of the relationship which unites each being to the Supreme. He revealed the highest level of God's love, the highest perfection man can achieve.

He is the master of the six perfections; beauty, wealth, fame, power, wisdom and renunciation, for He is none other than Lord Kṛiṣhṇa. In him are found in their fullness eternity, knowledge and happiness. He is God, the Supreme and Original Lord, descended into this world in the person of Chaitanya to teach detachment, spiritual knowledge, devotional service to the masses and pure love for God. Glorified as the Original Person, God, Chaitanya is compared to an ocean of mercy. He ceaselessly preaches the love of God through the movement of sankirtana, (chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna) and intelligent beings immediately adopt this path of spiritual realization.

For the benefit of all human society, not only does the Lord manifest himself as Manu [the Father of mankind] in order to properly rule the universe, but He also appears in the form of a preceptor, a spiritualist, of a great sage or other, for the good of humanity. The duty of men, therefore, is to follow the course of action defined by the Supreme Lord.




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