Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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All of Krishna's Entertainments are referred to as Eternal in all scriptures. Generally speaking, people cannot understand how they are going. Lord Chaitanya therefore resorted to the example of the orbit of the Sun to help them. According to Vedic astrology, the twenty-four hours of the day and night are divided into sixty dandas, themselves divided into 3,600 palas. The solar disk can thus be perceived at each slice of sixty palas, which constitutes a danda. Eight dandas equal one prahara. The Sun rises and sets in the interval of four praharas. Likewise, the night covers four praharas, after which the day star rises again. And all of Krishna's entertainments can be seen in each of the galaxies just as the Sun can be seen in its orbit covering 3,600 palas.

Lord Krishna only dwells in our galaxy, the Milky Way, for 125 years, but all the fun that this period covers is manifested in each of the galaxies. His entertainments include his advent, childhood, youth, and subsequent entertainments, until their conclusion at Dvaraka [Krishna's Eternal Abode, where He manifests His opulence. While on earth, Krishna moved the entire population of Mathurâ, to Dvarakâ. The kingdom of Dvarakâ was located on an island, at the western end of India (now Gujarat). Lord Krishna 5,000 years ago manifested his spiritual and absolute entertainments there.]. Since they always take place in one or the other of the myriads of galaxies, they are said to be eternal. In other words, as the Sun exists at all times, although we see it rise and set according to our planetary situation, the entertainment of the Lord continues endlessly, even though we do not perceive the manifestation in our galaxy. only at certain intervals. It has already been said that his home is Goloka Vrindavana, the supreme planet; and by their absolute nature, the Name, Fame and all other attributes of Krishna are identical to Him. Now, Krishna's will is that this same Goloka Vrindavana manifests in different galaxies, including our own.

As a result, although the Lord still resides in his supreme abode, Goloka Vrindavana, through his supreme will, the activities that He performs there are also manifested in countless galaxies and when He appears, it is in these places. precise, where each of its manifestations reveals its six excellences.

The Lord resumes his teaching by explaining to Gosvami [One who perfectly masters his senses and his mind] the situation of the different Vaikuntha planets which inhabit the spiritual world. The galaxies of material creation are limited in size, but the Vaikuntha planets, by their spiritual nature, extend into infinity. So Lord Chaitanya informed Il Sanatane that each of them covers millions, even billions of kilometers. No one can therefore measure its extent. All their inhabitants are endowed with the six excellences: wealth, strength, knowledge, beauty, renown and renunciation. On each of these planets a different emanation of Krishna, the Supreme Lord, resides eternally. Krishna Himself has his own original, eternal abode, which is called Krishnaloka or Goloka Vrindavana. In our galaxy, even the largest star occupies only part of space. Although it is millions of times larger than the Earth, the Sun does not fill space on its own.




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