Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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Any intelligent person can recognize the characteristic traits of the legitimate Avatar by two criteria, namely his personality, the main criterion, and his secondary characteristics. Thus the scriptures describe the bodily features and activities of the Avatar, the former constituting the main criterion which enables him to be identified, and the latter his secondary attributes. The very first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam confirms this by describing the characteristics of an Avatar as best as possible by the words param and satyam which, according to Lord Chaitanya, reveal the main traits of Krishna. Its secondary characteristics, such as teaching Vedic knowledge to Brahma and taking the Avatar-Supreme form to create the cosmos, are only manifested occasionally and for specific purposes.

The particular signs of Krishna, his plenary emanations and the Avatars.

It is written in the original holy scriptures: All Avatars, incarnations of the Supreme Lord, who descend into this world, are plenary emanations of Lord Krishna or emanations of his plenary emanations. But He, Krishna, is God in person, in his original most complete form.

In order to avoid anyone pretending to be an Avatar, let us know that the true Avatar will be recognized by the particular signs and characteristics of his Divinity, which he wears on his body, the palms of his hands, and the soles of his feet.

The signs of the soles of the feet of the Lord: A standard, a lightning bolt, a mahout's staff, a fish, a parasol, a lotus flower and a disc.

The signs of the palms of his hands: Lotus flowers and chariot wheels.

Seven parts of her body glow with a reddish glow: Her eyes, the palms of her hands, the soles of her feet, her palate, her lips and her nails.

The Avatar who has none of these signs is not, or is simply an impostor.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, just like Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is none other than Krishna Himself, can show their gigantic universal form made up of the entire cosmic manifestation. When Lords Krishna or Chaitanya manifest their universal form, it is to prove that They are indeed God, the Supreme Person. Krishna also wears a peacock feather on his magnificent curly hair, and a tuft of white hair on his broad chest.




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