Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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The awareness of the aspect of Krishna as Impersonal Spiritual Being is due to the perception of the only radiance which emanates from the spiritual body of Krishna, which constitutes the infinite impersonal manifestation of his Person, where innumerable galaxies float, each populated by countless planets.

Lord Chaitanya also emphasizes that the Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit, the omnipresent aspect of God seated in the body of every being, is only a partial manifestation or emanation of Krishna. As the Soul of all souls, Krishna is called the Supreme Self.

The Lord is also a living being, except that He is the Supreme, to whom all other beings are subordinate. The latter can therefore experience spiritual bliss, eternity and perfect knowledge in his company. Lord Krishna Himself penetrates into our galaxy through one of his plenary emanations, Garbhodakashayi Visnu, as well as into every galaxy in the form of Kshirodakashayi Visnu, to finally multiply in the form of the Supreme Soul located in the heart of each person. Anyone who desires to know and fully understand the Supreme and Absolute Truth must embrace devotional service in full Krishna consciousness. Only then will it be possible to fully grasp the Absolute Truth.

In his two-armed aspect, the Lord manifests himself as Balarama, who is no different from Krishna Himself, except that his complexion is light (white) while that of Krishna is dark (blue-black).). The two-armed aspect was also revealed when Krishna appeared before his mother Devaki in the four-armed form of Narayana, right after his coming into this world. However, He transformed it into a two-armed form at the request of his parents. Thus He manifests sometimes four arms and sometimes only two. The two-armed form is called vaibhava-prakash and the four-armed form is called prabhava-prakash. In his personal form, Krishna takes on and considers himself a little shepherd. But when He takes the form of Vasudeva, He sees himself as the son of an administrator, and behaves like a princely administrator.

As the son of Nanda Maharaj, Krishna fully manifests his form, opulence, beauty, wealth, power of fascination and entertainment. In truth, we read in some Vaishnavian (branch of Hinduism) writings that Vasudeva Himself sometimes feels the attraction of the form of Govinda (full manifestation of Krishna) to Vrindavana (sublime region of the planet where eternally resides Krishna, in the company of his pure devotees). So he sometimes wants to be entertained like Govinda, although the forms of Vasudeva and Govinda share a unique identity. In this context, let us quote a passage from the fourth chapter of Lalita-madhava (sacred book), where Krishna says to Uddhava [Friend and most confidential adviser of Lord Krishna to Mathurâ and Dvârakâ.]:

Dear friend, the form of Govinda, the little shepherd, fascinates Me. Truly, like the young girls of Vraja, I would like to feel the attraction of this form of Govinda.

Krishna adds: O wonder! Who is this person?

Having seen her, I feel such an attraction that I desire to hug her as Radhika does.




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