Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 38 of 103

The Lord goes on to teach that every moment devoted to self-interested action plunges the conditioned soul into oblivion of its true identity. Sometimes tired and disgusted with material action, she longs for liberation and to become one with the Supreme, while at other times, she believes that by struggling to satisfy her senses, she will find happiness. In either case, the material energy covers it. In order to enlighten souls thus lost, the Lord presents to humanity the original holy scriptures, also called the true gospel, designed to guide the human being in his return to God.

The Lord also explains that the conditioned soul, which the spiritual master accepts out of compassion and guided by the Supreme Soul, uses the various scriptures to acquire knowledge and progress in spiritual realization. Let us understand that it is by the perpetual grace of Krishna towards his devotees that were produced all these Vedic texts (of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures), so that we can know the relationship which unites us to Him and act accordingly. Thus can one attain the ultimate goal of existence.

In fact, all living things are destined to reach the Supreme Lord, and all can know the relationship between them. The performance of duties aimed at perfection is called devotional service; when it reaches maturity, this service becomes love for God, the true goal of life for all. The being is not destined to experience success in religious rites, economic growth or pleasure of the senses. He doesn't even have to aspire to liberation. His only desire is to reach the level of sublime loving service offered to the Lord. The endlessly fascinating traits of Krishna promote our access to Krishna consciousness, which, when engaged, enables us to realize the connection between self and God.

Only devotional service makes it possible to find God, and to approach him. The only alternative, therefore, is to seek the hidden treasure, Krishna, God, through devotional service performed in full Krishna consciousness. Such is the hidden fortune which never dries up, so that by acquiring it, one becomes rich forever. Whoever is poor in devotion and Krishna consciousness will always lack material gains, sometimes suffering from the bites of poisonous creatures, sometimes suffering failure, sometimes still adhering to the doctrine of monism losing their identity or being devoured by one. huge snake. Only by relinquishing all of this to establish a firm footing in Krishna consciousness, in the devotional service of the Lord, will one experience the true perfection of existence. The paths of self-interested action, speculative knowledge and meditation do not lead to perfection, while the practice of devotional service is sure to approach the Lord. That is why all the Vedic writings recommend the adoption of this path.

The Lord said: No one can, through philosophical speculation, yoga or austerity, give Me as much pleasure as through the practice of devotional service.

The Lord is dear only to his devotees, and only the service of love and devotion offered to God makes it possible to reach him. Even if he is of the lowest social class, the devotee is automatically cleansed of all filth. Devotional service is the only way of access to God, the Supreme Person.




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