Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 15 of 103
Supreme ecstasy is characterized by thirteen transcendent manifestations:

  1. dance,
  2. roll on the floor,
  3. sing,
  4. clap your hands,
  5. see your hair stand on end,
  6. thunder,
  7. yawn,
  8. breathe heavily,
  9. forget social conventions,
  10. salivate,
  11. laugh,
  12. have a headache, and
  13. cough.

These symptoms do not all appear simultaneously, but manifest themselves through the exchange of spiritual flavors. Sometimes this symptom will predominate, sometimes another. Spiritual flavors are of five varieties.

The initial phase takes the name of shanta-rati, when the soul freed from material defilement appreciates the greatness of God, the Supreme Person, but does not really engage in his loving service, for that is a phase of neutrality marked by appreciation.

In the second phase, called dasya-rati, one appreciates one's position of eternal subordination to the Supreme Lord, realizing that one depends for all eternity on his unmotivated mercy. At the same time, a natural affection awakens like that felt by a son who, as he grows up, begins to appreciate his father's blessings. Here the living being desires to serve the Sovereign Lord instead of Maya, the Illusion.

In the third phase of transcendental love, called sakhya-rati, we exchange as equals with the Supreme Being, imbued with love and respect. Progressing further at this level, laughter and jokes fuse in an atmosphere of relaxation. These are fraternal exchanges with the Divine Person, free from all bondage. You almost forget your lower position of distinct soul, but without feeling the highest respect for the Supreme Person.

The fourth phase, called vatsalya-rati, sees the fraternal affection manifested at the previous level develop into parental affection. We would then like to play the role of parent to the Lord. Instead of worshiping Him, the separate soul instead becomes the object of the worship of the Supreme Being, who then depends entirely on his pure devotee and relies on him for his education. The devotee then reaches the level where he can embrace the Lord and even cover his head with kisses. Thus is manifested parental affection for the Supreme Lord.




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