Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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The pure devotee adopts the sublime loving service of the Lord, but rejects any form of liberation aimed at any personal enjoyment. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.29.11-13), Avatar Kapiladeva explains the nature of pure devotional service: from the moment the pure devotee hears of the glories and sublime attributes of God, the Supreme Person, sis in the heart of each living being, his mind is drawn towards him just as the waters of the Ganges flow towards the ocean. A spontaneous attraction to the service of the Supreme Lord is what characterizes pure devotional service, which consists in serving the Lord unconditionally and without material barriers. The pure devotee neither aspires to live on the same planet as the Lord, nor to share his wealth, nor to assume a form identical to his own, nor to be in his company, nor to merge in him. Even if the Lord offered him such rewards, he would refuse them. It must be understood here that the devotee is so absorbed in the service of the Lord's spiritual love that he has little time to think of any benefit other than the very fact of serving him. Just as the materialistic businessman thinks of nothing else when going about business, so the pure devotee busy serving the Lord dreams of nothing else.

It is understood that everyone so absorbed in the service of the Lord has reached the highest level of devotion. Only this sublime service of love allows one to escape the influence of Maya (the illusion) and to savor the pure love of God. As long as one seeks material enjoyment or liberation, called the two witches of bewitchment, one cannot appreciate the flavor of the service of spiritual love and devotion offered to the Lord.

Devotional service is the manifestation of love for God, and the expression of feelings for Krishna.

There are three levels of devotional service: that of initial learning, that of realization, and that of pure love for God, the final step. At the learning stage, the neophyte has nine different ways to cultivate devotional service: listening to the glories and entertainment of God, chanting his Holy Names, remembering his Divine Person, serving him in thoughts, in word and deed, He worship with sixteen accessories offer prayers become his servant (his servant), consider it as our best friend, and all abandon him. These nine practices are part of the pure service of love and devotion offered to the Lord. The one who has dedicated his or her life to the service of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person through these nine activities is to be considered the most educated, for he / she has attained complete knowledge. Whoever engages with faith and devotion in singing and listening sees all his material apprehensions gradually vanish. The more his faith in devotional service grows, the more assured he will reach a higher level of perfection. Thus can he establish himself firmly in devotion, increase his attraction and attachment to it, and finally feel the ecstasy, identified with the first stage of love for God, which comes after having diligently cultivated the service of God. devotion. Once this stage is reached, continued practice of singing and listening gradually strengthens one's devotion until it turns into true love for God.




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