Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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Any neglect in these respects risks fostering the growth of weeds that may hinder our progress on the path of devotion. It is simply a matter of understanding that watering a garden not only accelerates the growth of the desired plant, but also the growth of unwanted ones, and the gardener may not see the threat posed by these. It is therefore the duty of the aspirant to devotional service to pull them out. In other words, beware of any unwanted plant, and that of devotion will grow wonderfully until reaching the ultimate goal, Goloka Vrindavane. Reaching this supreme planet is the true fruit of the devotional plant. When the living being engaged in devotional service savors the fruit of God's love, he forgets all ritual activity and all form of religiosity aimed at improving his financial situation. He then aspires neither to satisfy his senses nor to become one with the Supreme Lord by blending in his radiance. Spiritual science and transcendent bliss have many facets, including the sacrificial rites recommended by the Vedas (the original holy scriptures), the austerities and duties associated with piety, not to mention the practice of yoga. All these activities generate different results for which the practices, results certainly fascinating for those who have not yet risen to the level of the service of spiritual love for the Lord. In this context, let us quote the following analogy: the victim of a snakebite remains unconscious until he breathes the prescribed remedy, which will help him regain consciousness immediately. Latent in each of us, love for God can be awakened by performing pure devotional service.

What does this service consist of and what are its manifestations?

This is precisely what Lord Chaitanya then explained to Roupa Gosvami. Pure devotion leaves no room for desires other than to progress in Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness does not admit the worship of any celestial being or any other form of Krishna, nor does the philosophical speculation of empiricists (philosophers) or self-interested action. It is advisable to get rid of all these defilements. The devotee should only accept that which is favorable to the harmony of body and soul, and he should reject that which increases the demands of the body. Only the elements essential to the survival of the body can be accepted. By putting the bodily needs on the back burner in this way, one can focus on developing one's Krishna consciousness through chanting of the Holy Name of God. Pure devotional service consists in absorbing all of one's senses in the service of the Lord. For now, these are all plagued by various designations because our bodies are too. So we believe we belong to a given family, community or nation. So many designations are attached to the body. Likewise, if the senses that are part of the body are engaged in serving the family, community or nation, one cannot cultivate Krishna consciousness. It is therefore a question of purifying the senses. Realizing fully that one belongs body and soul to Krishna and recognizing his identity as an eternal servant of Krishna, if one employs his senses in serving the Lord, only then does one establish oneself at the level of pure devotional service.




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