God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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containing the infinite realm containing all other world and heavenly-bit hardware, the bodies
housing the spiritual and celestial bodies.
Sole possessor of the life-giving source, it provides the seeds of life to various entities,
celestial and spiritual, without which none of them could live.
However, we must differentiate the scope, rationale, sparks or seeds of life. Out of GOD
given to plants, flora, fauna a spark of life whose existence is limited in time, so they are men
of devotion.
On the contrary, the germ of life as being of the universe was implanted into the essence of
the spiritual entity, is granted for eternity. This shows the importance that God gives and
manifest respect for the man.
This is the first facet of GOD.
It may at the same time as we have seen above, take the form of the being of light, moving
around the infinite realm happens to be somehow divine essence and its "body".
This is why Christ told the apostles:
If asked, what is the sign of your Father God, say.
It is a movement and rest.
If God, the one and only true God is in everything, fauna, flora, material such as it is in
humans, especially in the essence of the spiritual entity as we are.
The human body, as well as plants, flora and fauna, in the service of the spiritual entity, a
spark of life that has been granted for a limited time. Deadline for the spiritual entity to evolve
on Earth. Then it is withdrawn, the body is found lifeless in fact. The man calls it death. As
you now know, death does the carnal envelope.
So if you want to talk to God, you need to turn in all directions, or look towards the sky, made
it as a spiritual entity, and turn inward to yourself, because God is there.
That is why it is said of God, he is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal. All that the
LORD has done has been with great love. This is the spiritual beings that God created through
love. He has maintained this condition despite our wrongdoing, and no feeling in it by men.
One question often asked by people on the fundamental reasons for his presence on earth.
The main reason goes back to Adam and Eve. These have disobeyed God, did not understand
the lesson that we passed the LORD, neither penetrated the deeper meaning. By their attitude,
not only have they condemned, but they also proved to God that they were like satan, spiritual
entities unstable, able to create disturbances in the celestial universe, and thus to impart wave
or negative masses. Taking off to the celestial sphere, its total cohesion, its rationale, its
purity, based on the well-being, rest, the affinity between the entities, the love that must
prevail and the atmosphere full of perfect serenity. Because of them, the balance was broken.
Therefore, the LORD settled on Earth, with punishment to repent, to learn the lessons
necessary to purify their spiritual essences and this harshly. It goes without saying, that being
their descendant, we inherited the original sin.
Access to the heavenly plan is subject to purifying our spiritual essence, the rejection of all
that is material, the forces of evil and rebirth in the saint as a spiritual entity. The spiritual
rebirth is the result of beneficial actions performed on earth.
And God created man in His own image, that is to say, spiritual entity like him. He has
wanted to express his love, and make him aware of the importance he attaches. We are His
Son, as coming from him, and us with its animating principle.
By the time Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, rather then being in the spiritual
world, who interpenetrates ours, and had not yet biological body. This is a result of their
disobedience to God, after they preferred ignorance to believe and listen to the prince of
darkness, that the Father may be moved from this mythical place on earth, after having
created a body using this material for composing the soil of this planet.




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