God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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But the specificity of our spiritual essence, like the fact that it passes through matter. That is
why God gives us a body, so that we can on earth to spend a period of study. In the spiritual
world, the body that is offered in response to the specific inherent in the heavenly zone, has
no connection with the carnal envelope, because there the body that we did not have sex, and
takes a different form on earth.
In our material universe-binary, the human body with male and female, plays essentially the
role of procreation. The man and woman coming together, creating a body (baby who will
serve as a receptacle, a vehicle for a spiritual entity who has incarnated to learn lessons on
earth. This feature is unique to our world, and does not in any way the heavenly universe.
Also, so that we can evolve, we move, move on earth, the being of light has created a human
body using for that matter, perfect component, from the earth. I am of course referring to the
planet earth. As I said earlier, our spiritual essence with a special molecular structure, through
all matter. That is why God has used to unite the human body, a third element to the data
close to our spiritual essence, and our fleshly envelope.
Christ brings about this new clarification and said:
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Then God gives
him (the spiritual entity) a body as he pleases. All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one
flesh of men, another of beasts, another of birds, another of fishes, the other spiritual entities.
There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. But another is the brightness of celestial
bodies, the other terrestrial bodies.
To evolve in the physical land area, the being of light was given to the entity that we are
spiritual, carnal envelope. But to be united, while the body comes from the land and meets the
criteria of the terrestrial environment, and not enough properties to accommodate us, so we
can accommodate, God is bound us adding an etheric body which combined elements have a
dual chemical composition, both close to those of our fleshly envelope, and those of our
spiritual essence. The latter thus plays an essential role in the union of three parts.
Spiritual entity + + etheric body. It is through the etheric body, we can be connected to our
fleshly envelope, and without which we could not have total control.
Saint Augustine wrote:
Modus quo spiritus corporibus member comprehendi ab homine non potest, et hoc tamen is
The way the mind is united to the body can not be understood by humans, and yet it is man.
Now you know.
Once completed the material universe and celestial binary-created entities celestial and
spiritual, as well as fauna and flora, a major question is:
We now know that is the only true God, we also know that in essence it is possible to
multiply, to split, to transform, being a "union" of seven entity of light in a single BEING. So
in all of creation, where is he, where is he?
Christ gives us the answer.
Understanding that Christ was God come to earth to teach and bring the truth to men, release
and save them, we shall see all this.
His answer is clear.
I am the light that enlightens every man.
I am EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING came out of me and EVERYTHING has come to me.
Split wood, I'm here.
Lift a stone, you will find me there.
These words are explicit and enlighten us. GOD is everywhere and in everything. This is the
only being capable of the composition of its spiritual and celestial light, and one of BEING
OF LIGHT able to enter into the composition of all things be content and container, for




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