The Spiritual World
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its blue, yellow, red and white complexions, as well as the extraordinary powers, named Vimala, shine on all sides.

The Lord of Gokula is God, supreme transcendence and the very incarnation of eternal bliss. Infinitely superior, he actively engages in the pleasures of the transcendental realm and has no contact with his material power. Krishna always stays away from his illusory energy.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, says: "Yet there is another world, eternal, beyond the two states, manifest and unmanifest, of matter. Supreme world, which never perishes; when everything in the material universe is dissolved, it remains intact."

The spiritual energy, or higher energy of Krishna, is eternal and absolute. It exists beyond all the mutations of the material energy, manifested and then annihilated during the days and nights of Brahma, the demiurge and first to be created, and even completely opposed by nature. God has an inner energy through which is manifested another world, spiritual one, where there is no ignorance, no passion, no illusion, no past, no present, no future.

Beyond the material cosmos, which accounts for a quarter of all God's creation, are three-quarters of the manifestation of the Supreme Eternal. There, everything is eternal, perpetual, immutable, unlimited, and the conditions of existence reach the highest level of perfection. In the spiritual world, all beings live in perfect harmony, without anything coming to break their communion. It is there that reigns the Supreme Lord One and without a second. Those who are gathered together in this part of the Lord's creation are free to go wherever they wish, and since this kingdom which comprises three-quarters of the Lord's creation is, in fact, unlimited, their common existence has no origin and will never end. The realm of transcendence knows neither creation nor destruction, and life goes on for eternity. In other words, everything exists in eternity, bliss and perfect knowledge, and as nothing is degraded, neither is there any past, present, or future, and the influence of time. it shines by its absence.

The entire material existence corresponds to a series of reactions that are linked together, and thus appear the notions of past, present and future. This chain of causes and effects does not exist in the spiritual world, nor the cycle of the six material phases - birth, growth, stabilization, reproduction, deterioration, and annihilation. The Lord's energy is manifested in the pure state, without a trace of illusion that exerts its influence in the material cosmos. The atmosphere is characterized by the fact that everyone obeys the Lord. No rivalry, all recognize him as the Supreme Master and serve him faithfully. It is the Lord who provides for the needs of all living beings. He is therefore the Supreme Master and all are subordinate to Him.

Krishna resides in three spiritual places, the most intimate of which is Goloka Vrindavana, where he lives with his father, mother, and friends, manifests various




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