The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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To work intensely under the influence of a bodily conception of existence, without spiritual education, is to live like an animal. People spend so much energy simply for the convenience of the body, without being instructed as to the interest of the spiritual soul. They thus live in a dangerous civilization, for the spiritual soul must indeed be reincarnated from one body to another.

Without spiritual education, people are kept in ignorance of the facts about God as He really is, their true spiritual identity, true eternal spiritual knowledge, and existential and absolute truth, and do not know what will happen to them after the death of their body. They work blindly, and blind leaders lead them.

The man deprived of reason does not know that he remains completely under the slavery of material nature, and that material nature will impose upon him after death a certain type of body that he will have to accept, whether he likes it or not.

He does not know that although he may be in the material body which is his now a very important person, he risks being reborn in a body of animal or tree for having acted in ignorance of God, under the influence of ignorance, one of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature.

Spiritual education cultivates and develops God-consciousness, and gives humanity the true transcendental light of spiritual existence. It teaches that each of us is truly an eternal spiritual soul and not the material body to which we wrongly identify, and teaches us to surrender ourselves to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to renew the bond of love that unites us to Him, to bind our desires and interests to his, to love him, to obey him, to do his divine will with great joy, and to serve him with love and devotion.

God is the ultimate goal of existence, so let's go and find him in his kingdom.

Each spiritual being in its original condition is made to exchange a particular feeling with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. But to regain the fullness of this primordial state, it is necessary to enter the kingdom of God, because in the material existence in which we live, affection is only found in a temporary and distorted form. Only in the kingdom of God is there true absolute happiness.

The true spiritualist aspires to taste pure emotion, in its spiritual form. Living beings on earth know nothing of the true happiness that results from true feelings, true emotions in their absolute purity, as exchanged by holy beings, great pure souls with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in his infinite kingdom, absolute and eternal.

The exchange of love is known as the “spontaneous devotional service” offered to Lord Krishna in a sense of transcendental ecstasy. Lord Krishna wishes to let all conditioned souls know that we are, that devotional service has a higher attraction on his Person.




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