The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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The Lord says, “Listen how, by practicing yoga [the practice of union and communion with God], conscience and mind fixed on Me, you will be able to know Me fully, without any doubt”.

Pure love for Krishna exists from eternity, and this is found in the hearts of all beings, and nowhere else.

And when the heart purifies itself by chanting “Haré Krishna” and listening to the glories of Lord Krishna, the being then naturally awakens.

Since Krishna consciousness is inherent in each of us, we need to hear about Him. It is enough to practice chanting and listening to what concerns Krishna, for our heart to be directly purified and for our original consciousness, Krishna consciousness, to awaken immediately within us.

Krishna consciousness cannot be imposed on us by any artifice, as it already exists in our respective hearts, and as soon as we hum the chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna “Haré Krishna”, our hearts are cleansed of all material defilement.

As soon as we become aware of Krishna, we instantly become aware of our true spiritual identity, and then, through the practice of the devotional service we offer to the Lord, we develop knowledge of God. And when we are firmly established in devotional service, when we have fully developed our spiritual consciousness, we are then able to perceive the Lord’s presence in every act we perform.

This is called “liberation through the realization of the Absolute”.

Lord Krishna rules over the material nature, and all conditioned souls are subject to the yoke and stringency of the laws of the material nature.

Unless we know these fundamental truths, there can be no peace in this world, both at the individual and the collective level. Perfect peace is only achieved through the complete development of Krishna consciousness.

In truth, the Krishna conscious being always acts with full knowledge of the relationship that unites him to the Supreme Lord, and the perfection of this science is to know Lord Krishna perfectly, the Supreme Person.

The pure soul, as an integral and minute fragment of God, remains his eternal servant. But as soon as she desires to dominate Maya, the illusory material nature, she is seized by the latter and thus becomes her prey and suffers in various ways. And as long as the soul remains in contact with matter, it must act according to its material needs.

However, even at the heart of matter, we can awaken our spiritual consciousness and regain a pure existence. It is enough to practice Krishna consciousness, that is, to leave the material consciousness and choose the spiritual consciousness or God consciousness. The more we progress in this way, the more we free ourselves from the clutches of matter.

The Lord is impartial. Everything depends on the efforts we make in the fulfilment of our duty to control our senses and to overcome the ascendant of lust and anger.




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