The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 76 of 88

The man with true knowledge acts naturally correctly.

Morality offers us a way to escape the clutches of greed, anger and lust. We then attain virtue, from which we can reach the spiritual plane.

One really becomes better by realizing Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and by renewing the loving relationship that unites us to Him. But to achieve this, morality or purity is required. God being pure, one cannot approach it without purifying oneself.

Morality is a way of qualifying to become conscious of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

By adopting Krishna consciousness, one automatically becomes moral. On the one hand we must observe the regulating principles of morality, on the other hand we must further develop our tendency to serve it. By serving Krishna with love and devotion, we automatically become morals.

But if we try to become morals without serving Krishna, we will fail. The alleged followers of morality are therefore, in this case, always frustrated.

The purpose or pleasure of serving God transcends human morality. One must rise to the level of Krishna consciousness, in order to be truly moral. The devotee, the true intimate servant of Krishna, automatically acquires good moral and virtuous qualities.

Krishna consciousness or God consciousness purifies intelligence, mind and senses. Thus purified, there is little chance that they will be used elsewhere than in Krishna consciousness. Action in Krishna consciousness is the highest form of morality.

The most beneficial charitable work for others is to offer Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and God consciousness. There is nothing more beneficial.

How to become conscious of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person?

In truth, to be conscious of Krishna, God, the Supreme person, is to realize that Krishna is indeed God, the Eternal Sovereign, in his personal, primordial, infinite, absolute form, and that He is the Absolute Truth. He is eternally Young.

It is knowing that He is omnipresent, that He is everywhere. That He is omnipotent, that He is Almighty. That He is omniscient, that He knows everything. That He is immutable, that He does not change.

It is knowing that He is absolute existence, absolute consciousness, absolute bliss, absolute perfect knowledge, and eternity personified.

It is knowing that He resides in the heart of all living beings, celestial beings, human beings, animals and plants, and enlivens the body, the senses, the vital breath and the heart of each of them, and makes them come alive.

It is knowing that He is the only true owner of all that exists in the material cosmos and the material world, and the sole beneficiary of all the fruits of the acts committed by all living beings.




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