The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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This is the teaching of the Divine Person. The first necessity for the human being is to realize the eternal relationship which unites him to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in order, without further ado, to abandon oneself to Him and serve Him with love and devotion. Our only occupation must be to love Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, without cease.

The devotional service or service of love and devotion offered to God, is in reality the manifestation of the love that one feels for God, and the expression of the joy that one feels and takes in doing one's divine will, so that He may be happy.

The service of love and devotion dedicated to the Lord revives in us eternal life. To serve God with devotion is to take pleasure in obeying Him, in doing His will, in glorifying Him, in devoting our whole existence to Him and offering our life to Him, then love for the Supreme Being, Krishna, is born.

The love that this devotional service must create allows, alone, to obtain the favors of Krishna, the Supreme Lord. It therefore becomes a sign of perfection.

It is in the kingdom of God that true life is found, true bliss sublime, incessant, and eternal.

The spiritual world is the real home of the spiritual beings that each of us is. The spiritual world is called Vaikuntha, which in Sanskrit means the world without anxiety. Everything is self-luminous and full of consciousness and bliss. The dimension of the spiritual world is inconceivable, because unlimited.

When a virtuous being, a great soul, enters the kingdom of God, he immediately feels as if he is swimming in an ocean of spiritual bliss, plunging and ascending unceasingly to the surface of this sublime ocean in uninterrupted motion. He is overwhelmed with a pure feeling of love and joy unparalleled. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the source of it, and through his blissful energy, distributes it to all beings who live there. This is the true sublime happiness that you will not find anywhere else.

In truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person being the true source of happiness, of all pleasure and the reservoir of all blessings, who dwells with Him instantly enjoys deep happiness, ineffable, perfect, unlimited, incessant, permanent and eternal.

Whoever enters the spiritual world, the infinite, absolute and eternal kingdom of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, never returns to the material universe again.

Lord Krishna says to this effect: “When a mortal surrenders himself to Me and offers Me all his fruitful work in his desire to serve Me with love and devotion, he attains at that moment the freedom of birth and death, and qualifies to achieve immortality, the sharing of my nature and the opulence that accompanies me.

When they have reached me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus risen to the highest perfection, never again return to this ephemeral world where suffering reigns”.

By re-establishing our loving relationship with Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, we regain our enlightening power, our spiritual power, and then we can live eternally with Him in absolute peace and sublime bliss.




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