The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 83 of 88

So let’s go back, because we’re just passing through the material universe.

This is why Krishna is said to be “The greatest”, because He is Infinite and Absolute.

Qualitatively, we are identical to Him, but not quantitatively, because He is Absolute. Because of our spiritual nature, we can only experience true, permanent and unceasing happiness in the spiritual world, where the spiritual planets abound, for it is there, through his blissful energy, that Krishna distributes it to all beings who live with him, to his contact.

Everything in the spiritual world has the gift to express itself, to move, to hear, to see, in an existence of absolute and eternal happiness. Every word is a song, and every step is a dance. No one can enter the spiritual world if he has not fully developed his devotional attitude towards Lord Krishna.

In the spiritual world, Krishna’s devotees are dedicated to serving him as a servant, friend, father, mother or spouse, and all enjoy an opulence equal to that of Lord Krishna. Here we see the sublime mercy of the Lord for his devotees. The Supreme Master and the servants are different and yet they possess the same opulence.

A perfect harmony exists between all the inhabitants of the kingdom of God, and the Supreme Lord, Krishna. They constantly exchange sublime feelings of a very strong intensity, from which emanate aromas of happiness without equal, in a permanent, incessant, eternal way.

In truth, we are all spiritual souls.

Each of us is, in truth, an eternal spiritual soul embodied in a body of dense matter. We are not the material body to which we wrongly identify. As spiritual souls, we must act as such. May this truth save us.

The true relationships that we must exchange with each other are those that must take place at the soul level, and based on the bonds that bind them to the Supreme Soul, Krishna, because soul-to-soul relationships are established from the bond between each person and the Supreme Soul, which is in the heart of each of us. These soul-based relationships lead to spiritual liberation, because they have a strong bond, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, Himself.

To abandon ourselves to God and to serve him with love and devotion is the perfection of existence and eternal life.

The Lord says to this effect: “I respond to the worship of the pious believer according to the transcendental feeling which animates him, this is My nature. The devotional service offered to me by living beings revives in them eternal life”.




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