The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Sovereign Lord and appearing in the midst of noble virtuous parents, to teach the world the ultimate goal of existence.

Noble heads of families pray to God to entrust to them one of his envoys, so that a favorable influence may be exerted on society. This is the first valid reason to procreate.

Another reason for highly enlightened parents is to bring up a child in Krishna consciousness, so that it does not have to return to this miserable world, this world of suffering. Indeed, parents must ensure that the child they beget does not have to return to the womb of a new mother. Unless they can lead their child to liberation or salvation, no one should marry or procreate. If human beings give birth to children comparable to animals, thus accentuating the disorder within society, the world becomes hellish, as is humanity today.

In the present age, also called the Iron Age, the Black Age or the Dark Age, the age of discord, hypocrisy, quarrels, indifference, decadence and sin, neither parents nor their children are educated. Both live like animals, knowing only how to eat, sleep, mate, defend themselves and satisfy their senses. Such disorder cannot bring peace to humanity. In other words, we should indulge in sex for one purpose only, to beget good Krishna-conscious children, and for no other purpose. Human life should be especially dedicated to the service of the Lord in total devotion. This is the philosophy of Lord Chaitanya, the Golden Avatar.

Having discharged the responsibility of begetting a worthy son, we must accept the command of renunciation: either detachment from the things of this world, disinterest in material pleasures, rejection of objects that arouse the pleasure of the senses, and the natural rejection of materialism, by becoming a hermit, in order to raise ourselves to the level of perfect being, the highest perfection of existence.

There are four orders of renunciate, and the perfect being is the highest. The perfect being is free from all envy. At other levels, such as that of family life, competition and envy are present, but because at the level of perfect being man's activities are entirely devoted to Krishna consciousness, that is, in devotional service offered to the Lord, there is no room for envy.

Man is actually destined to realize himself perfectly in Krishna consciousness. It is not forbidden to live with a wife and to have children, but one must conduct one's existence in such a way as not to oppose the principles of religion, that is to say, to respect and apply the precepts of God, the divine commandments, the regulatory principles (not having illicit sexual relations outside marriage, not eating meat, fish and eggs, not taking drugs and stimulating products such as coffee, tea, cigarettes, alcohol, and not gambling), prosperity, regulated sense gratification, and ultimately liberation, thus ending material existence.




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