The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Beings under the influence of virtue get to live in better conditions, on the higher, Edenic or paradisiacal planets, and those dominated by passion remain in the material universe, on an earth-type planet or on the paradisiacal planets, while those dominated by ignorance are degraded to the animal level on planets where life takes forms inferior to those of human beings.

But the Krishna conscious being transcends the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature. Anyone who devotes himself to devotional service offered to the Lord automatically transcends the three forms of destiny linked to material nature, in order to establish himself at the level of spiritual realization.

Human life is destined to rekindle our eternal loving relationship with Lord Krishna, and all religious injunctions serve to awaken this dormant nature. Developing love for God is the highest perfection of existence.

Attributes of the pure devotee of God.

A conscious person of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who devotes himself entirely to the service of sublime love of the Lord, acquires a large number of divine virtues possessed by celestial beings.

Always benevolent towards all living beings, celestial beings, human beings, animals and plants, the devotee seeks no quarrel with anyone. His interest is in the essence of life, which is spiritual in nature. Equally disposed towards all, no one can find fault with him.

His magnanimous spirit is always pure and devoid of any material obsession. Benefactor of all living beings, he is peaceful and always abandoned to Krishna. Devoid of material desires, he is very humble and determined. Having conquered the six material defects; concupiscence, anger, greed, madness, delusion and envy, he does not eat more than necessary. Always sane and respectful, he seeks no respect for himself. He is serious, merciful, tolerant, friendly, poetic, expert, humble and silent.

Friend of all living beings, he has no enemy. Serene, he is endowed with all the virtues. It does not torment any living thing, including insects.

The man of perfect knowledge makes no difference between all human beings, white, black, yellow, red, half-breed, whom he loves with equal love and sees with the same eye. For him they are all equal on the spiritual plane, for it is the soul he sees and not the body of matter.

A liberated being, what he really is, has no enemy, for he considers all human beings without exception, as his brothers and sisters, and takes pleasure in walking with them on the path of God’s love.




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