The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 16 of 88

When one acquires true spiritual knowledge superior to material knowledge, does one automatically become good, better and pure?

Yes, as soon as one acquires true and perfect spiritual knowledge, one automatically becomes good and by essence immersed in pure virtue, it is an indisputable truth. That said, the one who does not become good is that he has not received the true and perfect knowledge.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the original source, the Supreme Author, of true perfect spiritual knowledge. He is also the Supreme Teacher. Verily, who knows the Sovereign Lord as he really is, at the same time discovers the absolute truth as it is. That is why Lord Krishna is also called “Absolute Truth”.

True knowledge is the ability to distinguish spiritual from material, to realize God, to discover our true identity, and to be Krishna conscious. It is the ability to analyze things in their proper perspective, to discover the way that leads to the Eternal Supreme and to remain there without failing.

Knowledge is the ultimate perfection of spiritual realization, and spiritual realization, or the right understanding of the pure soul, frees one from all material attachments.

Knowledge leads to the ultimate perfection of existence, and to the perception of the individual and distinct spiritual being of God, in all its truth.

In truth, we become truly better by realizing God, by renewing the bond and the relationship that unites us to him. But to achieve purity is required. God being pure, we can only approach it if we become pure ourselves.

That is why the Lord asks us to observe the regulating principles of purity, which forbid eating meat, fish and eggs, playing gambling, having illicit sex outside marriage, use drugs and intoxicants in all their forms, as well as coffee, tea, cigarettes and alcohol.

These immoral activities protect us from perpetual impurity. It is therefore impossible to progress in Krishna consciousness without renouncing it.

By adopting Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, one automatically becomes pure. On the one hand we have to observe the regulating principles of purity, and on the other hand we have to further develop our tendency to serve Krishna with love and devotion. In truth, by totally abandoning oneself to Krishna, and serving him with love and devotion, one becomes pure.

Who does not do all of this remains unclean, and will fail. It is absolutely necessary to rise to the level of Krishna consciousness, to become truly pure.

Krishna consciousness purifies intelligence, mind and senses. Thus purified, there is little chance that they will be used elsewhere than in the consciousness of God.




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