The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 13 of 88

True brotherhood and universal solidarity.

All those who speak of brotherhood and universal solidarity, but take into consideration only the body of dense matter and not the spiritual being that is there, are false philanthropists.

The true notion of universal brotherhood is that which leads to ignore the color of the material body and the form of the material body.

She is the one who leads us to love all living beings, all celestial beings inhabiting heavenly planets, all human beings without exception, all terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all plants in their diversity, of the same love.

It is that which considers only the spiritual soul, and which leads to seeing in each body of matter only that last living next to the Supreme Soul in its heart.

The imperfect eye does not allow to see things as they are, in their proper perspective. One can only perceive the truth if one receives it from a higher source, and the highest truth is the spiritual knowledge emitted by Krishna, God, the Supreme Lord Himself.

Only man who has already attained his spiritual liberation can become a virtuous being and see all living beings as his own brothers and sisters. The holy being, for his part, sees each being as a spiritual soul and not otherwise, and when he serves his neighbor, he addresses her, filling at the same time the material and spiritual needs of his brothers and sisters.

This is why he protects and watches over the well-being of all souls, through the knowledge of truth which he diffuses, whatever the body of matter in which they reside.




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