Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 79 of 624

Our next body depends on the influence of the influence modes of material nature; virtue, passion, ignorance, which will predominate in us at the time of death. Those who die influenced by ignorance will obtain bodies of animals or even lower species. Those who die of passion will obtain human form on an earth-like planet. And those who die under the aegis of virtue will be promoted to the higher planetary, paradisiacal systems, and will acquire the body of a celestial being (being more evolved than man). But all these bodies are material, and therefore temporary. Only the one who is lucky enough to die thinking of God can obtain an eternal body like Krishna. He will join the Supreme Lord in his eternal home.

The Lord said: Besides the soul, there is another occupant in the body who is its supreme owner. It sanctions and supervises all the activities of the body but remains at a spiritual and absolute level. He who understands that the Supreme Soul is, in all bodies, the constant companion of the individual soul (us), and that both are imperishable, he sees the truth.

Logos 14

Goto table of logos

Whoever “kills” the soul will go to the so-called infidel planets, where ignorance and darkness reign. The purpose of existence is spiritual realization and the reestablishment of our forgotten relationship with God.

Killing the soul is to reject God, to continue to ignore that we are souls or spiritual entities, not to seek to achieve spiritual realization, and to be interested only in the material body. Man is distinguished from animals by greater responsibilities. We call virtuous souls those who realize and assume them, and unbelievers, those who neglect or even ignore them. Every human being falls into one or the other category.

The intelligent man must always remember that the human form is only obtained after many reincarnations of the soul, out of several million years.
Unlike other bodily, plant and animal forms, only the human form allows access to the knowledge of God and the development of intelligence. The unbeliever is one who, despite such strengths, does not take full advantage of the human form to realize his spiritual self. He is a assassin of the soul, whose destiny is to sink into the deepest darkness of ignorance to suffer endlessly; such is the danger against which God warns us. The human form is not given to us so that we can toil like the donkey or the camel, but to allow us to reach the greatest perfection of being. If we are not concerned with spiritual realization, nature will force us on its own to work hard, whether we want or not.

In our times, man is forced to toil like a beast sum; in fact, Earth has now become an example of the regions where unbelievers are sent to suffer. If man does not fulfill the duties conferred on him by his human form, he will have to transmigrate to




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