Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 80 of 624

planets known as of unbelievers, where all beings, in degenerate forms, struggle in ignorance and darkness and must descend into the infernal regions. On the other hand, all those who, despite a sincere effort, fail in their attempt at spiritual realization, will obtain to be reborn in a family of high condition.

Logos 15

Goto table of logos

All living species must wage a hard fight for their survival. By nature, the soul is eternal, but trapped in matter, it must inevitably pass from one body to another. This transmigration or reincarnation of the soul is the consequence of “chaining to one's own actions”.

According to the laws of nature arising from divine laws, everyone must work to live, but if we do it without taking into account the duties inherent in the human form, we are breaking these laws, with the effect of immerse ourselves even deeper into the cycle of death and rebirth. All living species (human, animal, plant) are subject to these repeated deaths and births, but the spiritual being who obtains human form can escape the law of karma. Karma: Law of nature according to which any material action, good or bad, necessarily entails consequences, which have the effect of increasingly chaining its author to material existence and to the cycle of deaths and rebirths. The intelligent man will choose the path which allows him to undo the bonds by which he is held in the material world. Most people wish to perform meritorious acts to gain recognition for their virtue, improve their living conditions in this world, or even reach the paradisiacal planets. But the more evolved man, the intelligent man, wishes to free himself both from the actions themselves and from their consequences, because he knows very well that good or bad, they are also sources of suffering.

To surrender to God, and to serve him with love and devotion, allows to break the chains which hold us prisoners of matter and to put an end to the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths. We will then be able to return to God, in his eternal kingdom, thus passing from death to eternal life.

Logos 16

Goto table of logos

The root of sin is disobedience to the laws of nature, to divine laws, born of refusal to recognize the absolute right of ownership of the Supreme Lord and his preeminence.

Happy are those who respect the following four divine regulatory principles; Not to have sex outside of marriage. Do not eat meat, fish and eggs. Do not consume drugs,




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