Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 77 of 624

and bliss. The dimension of Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, is inconceivable, because in reality it is unlimited. The material world itself is of inconceivable dimension knowing that what we perceive in the cosmos is only part of the closed universe in which we find ourselves and that it contains an inconceivable number of galaxies, all created by God on the same model as ours, the milky way. However compared to Vaikuntha, the material cosmos occupies only a quarter of the total creation of God, while the spiritual world occupies the other three quarters. The material cosmos, which is the distorted reflection of the spiritual world, is in reality akin to a cloud, which floats in the spiritual sky of all of God's creation.

The Lord said: My Sovereign Home is a kingdom spiritual and absolute from which one does not return to this world of matter. Whoever attains supreme perfection, occupied in serving Me personally with devotion in this Eternal Abode, attains the highest perfection of human life and does not have to return to this world where there is suffering.

said unmanifest and imperishable this supreme Kingdom, ultimate goal; for those who reach it, there is no turning back. This world is My Absolute Abode.

When the virtuous being, the great soul, enters the kingdom of God, he immediately feels himself swimming in the ocean of spiritual bliss, plunging then rising on the surface of the sublime ocean in an uninterrupted movement. He is overcome with a pure feeling of love and unparalleled joy. God is its source, and by his energy of bliss, distributes it to all. Such is true sublime happiness.

Logos 11

Goto table of logos

No one can serve the Lord in the midst of his entourage without being established in his pure spiritual identity, entirely free from all material defilement.

In truth, a soul incarnate defiled by matter will transmigrate to another material body because of its material consciousness. Inhabited by material thoughts at the time of her death, she was transferred to another body of matter. Similarly, when one establishes oneself in one's purely spiritual identity and meditates on the service of absolute love offered to the Supreme Lord, one is promoted to the spiritual realm to live in the company of Krishna., God, the Supreme Person. In other words, by thinking of Krishna and his companions in full awareness of his spiritual identity, one qualifies to enter the spiritual realm. No one can contemplate contemplating the activities of the spiritual world without being established in his pure spiritual identity, and knowing in conscience to be a spiritual soul.




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