Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 75 of 624

the kingdom of God. All mankind, if only it applies the teachings of Krishna, God the Supreme Person and fulfills the duties related to the development of the consciousness of God, will experience perfect happiness.

The Supreme Lord said: Every man engages in various acts, whether or not they conform to the revealed scriptures. Now know, it suffices that one employs the fruit of such acts to worship Me in Krishna consciousness to be immediately blessed with a happiness which will be perpetuated in this life and in the next, in this world as in the next world. There is no doubt about that.

Let us conclude from these words spoken by the Lord, that the acts performed in the consciousness of Krishna, God, ensure to all the perfect satisfaction of their desires.

Logos 8

Goto table of logos

Whoever kills a human being or an animal will be killed in turn. Those whose job it is to kill thousands of animals in slaughterhouses, so that others can buy the flesh to eat, must expect to suffer the same fate as these animals, life after life.

Many scoundrels violate their own religious principles. The Judeo-Christian scriptures clearly state: Thou shall not kill. Nevertheless, even some religious leaders under various pretexts, engage in the slaughter of animals, while posing as saints. Such a farce, such hypocrisy within society generates innumerable plagues, hence the great wars which break out periodically and the unleashing of the elements of nature. Masses of such individuals clash and then kill each other on the battlefield and / or suffer the consequences of the elements. Today they have invented the atomic bomb which threatens to destroy them.

God has ordered: You shall not kill. He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.
Those who are animated by hatred, those demonic disbelievers in the service of Satan who, having turned their backs on God and rejected his divine laws have decided to shed innocent blood, will suffer the same fate life after life and will have to suffer from it now.

I turn to them and say to them: Obey God and take no life from anyone. Whoever takes the life of a human being or an animal, will suffer the same fate from his next life, and life after life in proportion to the number of lives taken. The suffering you will experience will be terrible. No one can escape the sanction of divine laws and divine justice.




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