Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 336 of 624

material pleasures, pleasures of the senses, and materialism in all its forms. The first necessity for man is to realize the eternal relationship which unites him to the Lord, in order, without further delay, to abandon himself to Him.

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Material prosperity, which is in truth an obstacle to spiritual realization, results in being born into a noble family and possessing great wealth, higher education and attractive physical traits.

All materialists burn with the desire to acquire this prosperity considered as the basis of material civilization. But these various ephemeral assets intoxicate the one who possesses them, make him infatuate with a deceptive vanity. Having become sufficient, he finds himself unable to address himself to the Lord with sincerity. He then sinks into the darkness of ignorance relative to the absolute truth

Now, by speaking even once the holy name of the Lord, Krishna, one can free oneself from a greater number faults, sins, that we can never commit. Such is the power of the holy name of God. Thus, an infatuated materialist may occasionally pronounce the Holy Name of the Lord, but he cannot put in it the right quality, which is sincerity and feelings. Consequently, the four objects of material progress:

1.      a noble lineage,

2.      great wealth,

3.      a high education, and

4.      attractive bodily features, are in a sense so many obstacles on the way of spiritual progress

The material body is in reality the outer envelope of the soul, which is itself of a purely spiritual nature. Now, when a soul progressing on the spiritual path becomes materially impoverished, as sometimes happens, there is no need to be alarmed, because this is a favorable sign. Man must lead his existence in such a way as to alleviate his fever, his material intoxication, which can only plunge him ever more into the illusion as to the real goal of existence. And whoever lives under the influence of illusion no longer qualifies to enter the kingdom of God.

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God, the Supreme Person, reigns supreme over immortality. The Lord wants the human being to have a precise idea of his eternal and absolute kingdom.




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