Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 337 of 624

The spiritual world which is manifested by the internal energy of God, covers three quarters of all creation, the other quarter being represented by the material cosmos. The planets in the spiritual world are at least three times as numerous as those in the material cosmos, and they all have a totally spiritual nature. The concept of spiritual bliss is there manifested in all its fullness. Each of these spiritual planets is absolute, indestructible and free from all imperfections related to this material world. Each produces its own radiance, which equals the inconceivable radiance of millions of suns united. Those who dwell there are free from old age, disease, death, and rebirth, and their perfect knowledge is all encompassing. They are pure and free from all forms of desires. Like the Lord Himself, their spiritual body is all knowledge, bliss and eternity. There, they act only to offer the Sovereign Lord of the spiritual planets a service of sublime love. These liberated beings ceaselessly chant the hymns of Sama-veda, wonderful spiritual songs to the glory of Lord Krishna.

The kingdom of God is spiritual and absolute. In the Absolute Kingdom, the Lord and His Eternal Servants all possess auspicious, infallible, spiritual, and everlasting youthful character forms. In short, there is no birth, no old age, no disease, no death. This eternal land, rich in spiritual pleasures, conceals beauty and bliss.

Master of immortality and therefore Himself immortal, Krishna, the Supreme Lord can confer this quality on his devotees. Also, those who reach their immortal abodes will never have to return to this material world where death and suffering reign. This suffering is conspicuous by its absence in the eternal kingdom of God, forever free from the influence of eternal time, and therefore from all fear. True happiness is inherent in the spiritual world. The absolute realm is by nature saturated with happiness, with ever-increasing happiness by the force of ever-renewed appreciation. There, bliss never dulls.

Logos 390

Goto table of logos

The purification of existence.

The Supreme Lord says: Abandon yourself to Me, and I will take you under My protection.

Happy are those who surrender themselves to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and serve him with love and devotion, for they will be imbued with the true knowledge which will enable them to realize that depending on the Lord's mercy is a freedom greater still than that which one believes to enjoy at home.

No one should adopt the order of renouncing material existence if he does not have the firm conviction of being protected by the Lord. In reality, every being is totally dependent on the mercy of the Lord, but unless he is established at the level of purity, no one can experience that state. Such dependence is called purification of




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