Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 339 of 624

Me. Because of all these divine attributes, prayers are generally addressed to Me under the name of Rsabhadeva, the Sovereign Lord, the best of all living beings.

Logos 392

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Let us act in such a way that we let us become one with the Supreme Lord.

In truth, to become one with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the Sovereign Lord, means to have the same interest as Him.

It is not a question of becoming as big, beautiful, wise, strong, rich, famous and renounced as Him, for that is an impossible thing.

We are in reality tiny fragments, parts integral parts of his Divine Person, and the part can never equal the Whole. The individual spiritual being distinct from God, which each of us is, always remains a tiny fragment of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, oneness with the Lord comes from our sharing the same interest as that of Lord Krishna. We have to do our own, for the sake of the Lord.

On the other hand, individual souls are qualitatively one with the Lord, but not quantitatively, for as spiritual souls they remain different of the Lord who is, He, infinite and is all that is.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person desires that all beings think of Him constantly, that they become His devotees, worship Him in all circumstances, Offer Him their homage and do His divine will. It is the duty of every saint to strive to fulfill his desire. Now, as the Lord is unlimited, so too is his desire. There is therefore no interruption or limit in the service of the holy being, of the servant and of the handmaid of the Lord.

The spiritual world in fact sees an endless competition unfolding between the Lord and his servant, and between the Lord and his handmaid. The Lord wishes to satisfy his infinite desires, and the holy being strives to serve him with love and devotion, in order to fulfill his unlimited desires. All beings who live in the spiritual world exchange with the Lord a deep relationship of love, which is always growing.

It is in this sense that there is an infinite unity of interest between the Lord and his devotee, between the Lord and his devotee. Such is the perfect behavior, and the perfection of existence.

Logos 393

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Anyone who is not led by his actions to turn to religion, who is not carried by his religious practices rituals to choose the renunciation of the pleasure of the senses




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