Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 332 of 624

True happiness is transcending material happiness and unhappiness, and true misery is being involved in the search for sexual pleasure.

The sage is the one who knows the process of liberation, of bondage, and the fool is the one who identifies with his body and his mind, material.

The true path of life is the one that leads to Me, and the wrong path is the satisfaction of the senses, by which the consciousness is confused.

The real sky is the predominance of pure virtue, while hell is the predominance of ignorance.

I am the true Friend of everyone, acting as Spiritual Master of the entire universe, and My home is the human body.

He who is enriched with good qualities is in fact rich, and he who is not satisfied in life is in fact poor.

A miserable person is one who cannot control his senses, while a person who is not attached to the satisfaction of the senses is a true controller [who masters his senses and his mind].

The one who attaches to feeling satisfaction is the opposite, a slave.

Thus, I have clarified all the questions you inquired about. It is not necessary to have a more elaborate description of these good and bad qualities, because constantly seeing good and bad is in itself a bad quality.

The best quality is to transcend the good and the material evil.

Logos 383

Goto table of logos

Beyond the material concept of the form of living beings, there is another, subtle one. The concept of an indefinite, invisible, inaudible and unmanifest form

But it is still beyond this subtle state that the real form of beings lies, otherwise how could they be born and be reborn, again and again?

Just as some equate the gigantic material manifestation to the body of the Lord, others lend Him a subtle, ethereal form, existing outside of hearing, seeing, or any other way of manifestation, and perceptible, according to them, by the only inner realization. But these concepts only apply to the dense and ethereal forms of matter conditioned beings, for the form of the Supreme Lord is purely spiritual.

The soul itself possesses, beyond physical identities. and psychic which cover it in the conditioned state, a form of the same nature. The material body and the psychic




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