Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 228 of 624

Logos 274

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Morality is the basic principle of all purification. One cannot purify oneself unless one knows what is moral and what is not.

Unfortunately, everything in this material world turns out to be more or less immoral. However, we must nonetheless distinguish good from evil. Hence the regulatory principles. By adhering to it, we can access the spiritual plane and transcend the influence of the three attributes of matter. Passion is the force that binds us to this material universe. Nature keeps us prisoners of the material universe thanks to the chains of sexual life. This is how passion is defined.

The Supreme Eternal says: It is lust alone, which born in contact with passion, then changed into anger, constitutes the devastating enemy of the world and the source of sin.

Passion encompasses lascivious desires which, unfulfilled, incite us to anger. All of this keeps us trapped in the material universe. As soon as devotional service is established firmly in the heart, the influences of passion and ignorance, such as lust and greed, are effaced. The holy being then fixes himself in virtue and finds perfect happiness. Subject to the lower influences of matter, passion and ignorance, we become as greedy as we are lustful. Morality offers us a way to escape the clutches of greed and lust. We then access virtue, from where we can reach the spiritual plane.

Logos 275

Goto table of logos

There is no resurrection of the body nor eternal punishment, for these are lies of which Satan is the author.

The emperor Justinian made adopt instead the dogma which has been authoritative since in Christendom of salvation determined on a single life. Dogma, eminently debatable for different reasons: How to speak of goodness and mercy of God, if God must condemn a being to eternal damnation on the judgment of a single life?

If the soul, the vital principle which animates the body is eternal, as Christian dogma rightly asserts, why limit yourself then to one life?

The faults and shortcomings of such a philosophy are obvious. Eternal damnation does not exist. It is the product of the fertile imagination of theologians devoid of real spiritual knowledge, who know nothing about God. God, and such is his goodness, gives, again and again, endlessly, to each and every one, the chance to come back to Him. The real purpose of existence is to develop true spiritual knowledge, and many beings, indeed the majority, will need multiple existences before reaching it.




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