Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 224 of 624

In this world, the original form of soul manifests imperfectly in different material bodies. The body is made of inert matter, and only the presence of the soul animates it and causes its development. To help us understand, the material body is sometimes compared to a garment that conforms to the shape of the body. Because the body has arms and legs, the garment also has sleeves and legs. Likewise, because the soul has senses, the material body also has senses. When the soul leaves it, the material body loses its powers of perception, and its form falls apart. It is therefore the soul which has meanings and consequently a form.

The soul takes on a new body, abandoning the old one that has become unusable, just as one discards old and used clothes in order to put on new ones.

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The Supreme Eternal says: “All beings are born in illusion, tossed about by the dualities of desire and aversion”.

The true, original position, natural and eternal, being distinct from God is a position of subordination to the Supreme Lord, the Being of pure knowledge. When we wander and cut ourselves off from pure knowledge, we then fall under the yoke of illusory energy (maya or Satan), which makes us incapable of understanding God, the Supreme Person. Illusionary energy manifests itself in the duality of desire and aversion. It is indeed this duality which pushes the ignorant to identify with the Supreme Lord, to envy the absolute divinity of God. The pure sages, who are not defiled, or deluded, neither by desire nor by aversion, can understand that the Lord appears by his internal power.

Those who misguide duality and ignorance continue to believe that God, the Supreme Person, is a creation of material energies. Such is their misfortune. And, mark of their blindness, they pass endlessly through fire, dualities, honor and dishonor, happiness and misfortune, male and female, good and bad, joys and sorrows, right and wrong, and so on thinking each time: I am the husband of this woman; I am the owner of this house; here is ma woman; here is ma house; here is my happiness. Thus act the illusory dualities; those whom they deceive lose their heads and become incapable of understanding God, the Supreme Person.

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The Eternal Supreme says: “As in ethereal space is the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, so know it, in Me stand all beings”.




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