Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 231 of 624

The knowledge of the Lord is purely spiritual. Anyone who longs to reach the spiritual world receives from the Lord, present in everyone's heart, the knowledge necessary to achieve it. Anyone who truly longs for liberation must surrender to God, the Supreme Person. Only one who knows God can put an end to the endless cycle of birth and death. The Lord is present as Supreme Master in the hearts of all beings. He has legs and arms spread out everywhere, which obviously does not apply to the infinitesimal soul. It is therefore necessary to recognize there the existence of two knowing of the field of action, distinct from each other: the infinitesimal soul and the Supreme Soul.

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The original nature of the living being (Us) is to be the eternal servant of God, for he is the marginal energy and an emanation of the Lord, both identical and distinct from Him.

The energy of the Supreme Eternal is naturally transformed into three categories: spiritual energy, the energy constituted by living beings (the embodied souls) and the energy of illusion…

forgetting God, the living being has been seduced by his external energy since time immemorial. This is why mâyâ, the energy of illusion, which is akin to Satan, makes him undergo all kinds of sufferings in this material world. Evolving within material nature, the being sometimes accesses the higher planets, paradisiacal, where he enjoys a prosperous life, sometimes is plunged into infernal conditions of existence, in hell. His condition is perfectly similar to that of the criminal whom the king punishes by plunging him, then pulling him out of the water.
If the incarnate and conditioned soul becomes aware of God, through the mercy of holy people, the servants of the Divine and spiritual masters, who give themselves the mission of teaching the scriptural injunctions and of coming to her aid, she escapes from the clutches of the mâyâ, who then relaxes her grip. By its own efforts, the conditioned soul cannot revive its consciousness of God. But in his unspeakable grace, Lord Krishna wrote down the Vedic writings, the original holy writings called The true gospel.

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When a person gradually progresses in material perception to spiritual perception, she realizes how insignificant were his material desires, feelings, and aversions, contaminated for so long by ignorance.




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