Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 225 of 624

It is practically impossible for man to understand how the enormous material creation rests in God. But to help our understanding, This One gives us an example. Space, on which the cosmic creation rests, is the most gigantic manifestation that we can conceive. It is he who allows the movement of atoms as well as the largest celestial bodies, such as the sun and the moon. The very sky, which has no measure, is, like the wind or the air, included in space; it cannot exceed its limits.

Likewise, the wonderful cosmic manifestations exist by the supreme will of the Lord, and all are subordinate to this supreme will. Not a blade of grass moves without the will of God, it is commonly said. Thus, by his will alone, everything moves, everything is created, sustained and destroyed. Yet He is beyond all His creation, He remains independent of it, as space remains independent of the movements of the atmosphere.

It is out of fear of the Supreme Lord that the wind blows. The moon, the sun and the other planets move under the supreme direction of God, in response to his command. In truth, all beings are an integral part of God. They live in Him and all belong to Him.

Logos 270

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Eternal says: “The times when one leaves this world and never returns, those also when one leaves and come back, now let Me describe them to you. Who knows the Supreme Being leaves this world at an auspicious time, in the light of day and under the sign of the celestial being of fire, during the fifteen days when the moon grows and the six months when the sun passes to the north”.

The pure devotees of the Lord, the souls who have totally surrendered themselves to Him, do not care when or how they will leave their bodies. They surrender completely to God, and thus, they return to Him easily, and with joy. For those, on the other hand, who have linked themselves to some other method of spiritual realization, they will have to leave their body only at a suitable, well-determined time, if they want to no longer have to return to this world of the dead and the dead. rebirths. The accomplished spiritualist can choose the time and place of his departure from the material universe; less advanced, he will have to submit to the goodwill of nature, and perhaps return here below.

When we use the words fire, light, day and moon, it is understood that behind each of these manifestations there is a celestial being, who influences the circumstances in which the distinct soul leaves the body, and which marks that critical moment when it sets out on the path to new life. If one leaves, voluntarily or not, his body at the time described in this subject, one will be able to attain radiance, which is the aspect of the Supreme Impersonal Being. Thus, accomplished spiritualists will know how to




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