Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 26 of 624

Christ, God, the Supreme Person], where He teaches that the influence of illusory energy is very difficult to overcome, but that whoever surrenders to Him is, by his supreme will, immediately released.

Surrender to the Lord is the surest way to free ourselves from the alienations of illusory energy.

The false ego is the force which chains the embodied soul to material existence.

L The embodied soul is above all influenced by ignorance and produces the false ego. The ultimate totality of matter acts as an intermediary between the pure spiritual element and material existence. It is located at the border between the material and the spiritual, source of the false ego of the being conditioned by the material. All beings are separate souls emanating from the Supreme Lord, but under the pressure of the false ego, conditioned souls, although an integral part of the Sovereign Being, claim to be the masters and beneficiaries of material nature.

This false ego is the force which chains the individual being distinct from God to material existence. The Lord offers again and again to conditioned and lost souls the possibility of freeing themselves from this false ego, and it is for this purpose that material creation occurs at regular intervals.

It is true that God makes available souls conditioned by matter all the means required to rectify the activities of the false ego which are all based on the body and the mind, but He does not interfere in any way with the tiny independence which they enjoy as partial emanations of his Person.

The false ego is also wanting to dominate matter, or to identify with one's material body. It is this spirit of artificial domination that we call the false ego.

The main function of the false ego is to maintain atheism. When a being forgets his natural position of spiritual soul, of divine sparks eternally subordinate to the Supreme Lord and seeks happiness independently of God, he develops roughly two attitudes: first he indulges for a long time in self-interested action in order to derive some personal benefit from it or to satisfy his senses, then, after being exhausted and frustrated by this kind of pursuit, he takes the path of philosophical speculation, and comes to believe himself the equal of God.

This mistaken feeling of becoming One with God is the last trap of the illusory energy which is akin to Satan, which keeps the being trapped in the chains of oblivion, and places him entirely under the false ego charm. The best way to free oneself from the hold of the false ego is to surrender to God.

The Lord says : The energy of the three gunas [the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance] this divine energy, Mine, cannot be surpassed without difficulty. But whoever abandons himself to Me easily crosses its limits.




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