Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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the sage, the noble devotee of Krishna, asks the Lord to please remove this dazzling radiance, so that he can see him and thus take pleasure in admiring his sublime body, for the Lord has an eternally young athletic body, and a face of ineffable beauty.

The Lord said : I never show Myself to fools or fools. By My internal power, I am veiled for them. This lost world therefore does not know Me, I the unborn, the Imperishable.

Because I am God, the Supreme Person, I know everything about the past, the present and the future. I also know all beings, but I, no one knows Me.

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that one can know Me as I am.

In truth, the personal, real, original, primordial form of Krishna, the Supreme Eternal is veiled by the rays which emanate from his divine body which thus form a radiance, emanation of his internal power. For His devotees alone, the Supreme Lord removes this dazzling radiance, so that they can see Him as He really is.

But for atheists, unbelievers, by this eternal internal power, He remains veiled, they do not can't see Him as He is. It is impossible, without awareness of God, to realize the Supreme Person in his primordial form.

To see God as He is, one must surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion. Devotional service is the manifestation of love that one feels for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The Lord is endowed with unlimited power. The dazzling radiance which emanates from its transcendent form is at the origin of the Supreme Impersonal Spiritual Being which it constitutes, [only aspect of God known to believers on earth] undifferentiated, absolute, complete and infinite, source of the countless varied planets that inhabit millions of galaxies, each with its own wealth. Each of the innumerable galaxies is populated by an unlimited number of stars varied in their structure as well as in their atmospheric atmosphere. All emanate from the infinite, non-dual radiance of the complete Whole, Krishna, whose existence is all of absolute knowledge. The splendours of the Impersonal Spiritual Being, which is in fact the radiance of Krishna's absolute spiritual body, unfold in the myriad galaxies.

Just as the sun and its rays cannot be separated, so it is for Krishna and the radiance that emanates from his absolute body. So Krishna declares that this radiance is none other than Himself. This radiance is made up of a set of tiny particles called spiritual sparks also called spiritual atoms or spiritual souls, spiritual entities or spiritual beings.

In truth, each spiritual spark, spiritual atom or spiritual soul, is a tiny eternal fragment, a tiny eternal part, an integral part of the Supreme Person Krishna, this is what each of us is.




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