The Spiritual World
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garlands of flowers, his face shines with beauty. He walks in Vrindavana like a majestic elephant, and slowly returns to his house. As soon as he is back, the men, women and cows of Vrindavana forget the hot weather of the day.

These images of Krishna's sublime deeds and entertainment, the gopis, kept them in mind when the Lord was away from Vrindavana. They give us an idea of ​​Krishna's fascination. All being and all things are attracted by Krishna: such is the true extent of this fascination exercised by the Lord. For those who strive to be absorbed in the consciousness of God, the example of the gopis takes the value of a deep teaching. It is enough to remember the sublime entertainment of Krishna so as to be very glad to know the joy of his presence. Everyone has in himself a tendency to love; but the central point of God's consciousness lies in the teaching that Krishna is the true object of this tendency to love. By constantly chanting the hymn Haré Krsna and keeping in mind Krishna's absolute diversions, we can immerse ourselves completely in Krishna consciousness and thus make our existence fruitful and sublime.

It is through the presence of Krishna, God, that the cosmic manifestation unfolds.

The Supreme Lord, Himself the cause of material energy, exists in the material world as it exists beyond, in the spiritual world. Deprived of its presence, the cosmic body of the galaxy can not develop, just like the physical body without the soul. The entire cosmic manifestation exists and unfolds through the Supreme Lord, who enters it as the Supreme Soul. Thus by its omnipresent aspect of Supreme Soul He penetrates within each being from the greatest to the smallest. He can be perceived by the one who shows submission, the only quality required, and thereby becomes a soul abandoned to his person. The degree of spiritual realization is proportional to the development of submission, whereby the being ultimately gains in meeting the Lord in person just as we are face to face with someone. Because it has developed a transcendental attachment to the Supreme Lord, the submissive soul everywhere perceives the presence of his beloved and uses all his senses to serve him with love. With her eyes, she contemplates the divine couple Sri Rādhārani and Kṛiṣhṇa seated on a throne adorned under the foliage of a tree-to-wish, in the very spiritual earth of Vṛindāvana. With her nose, she breathes the spiritual aroma of the lotus feet (formula of respect for God) of the Lord and his companions. Thus from the inside the Lord manifests Himself to His pure devotee. This is one of the mysteries of the devotional relationship that unites the Lord and the realized soul and binds them by a spontaneous love. To reach this love should be the goal of the existence of every living being.

In the spiritual world, beyond the veil of matter, shines the infinite radiance of the Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being, free from all material defilement. This white




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