The Spiritual World
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a sage, and he abandons himself to Krishna, God. The gopis represent the perfect example of beings having reached this perfection of knowledge, their minds always remain in Krishna. The mind is nothing but the energy of Krishna; and in truth, everyone who has the privilege of thinking, feeling, acting and wanting can not be separated from Krishna. The stage in which we are given to understand our eternal relationship with Krishna is called Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, in contrast to the sickly condition where we can no longer understand this relationship, and that we call maya (or illusion), the state of contamination by matter. The gopis are at the level of absolute knowledge, their minds are always filled by Krishna consciousness. For example, fire and air can not be separated; likewise, no separation exists between Krishna and living beings. When they forget about Krishna, they lose the conditions of their real life. The gopis, on the contrary, because they always think of Krishna, are at the level of the absolute perfection of knowledge.

In truth, the level at which one reaches the perfection of one's eternal relationship with Krishna is love for the Lord in a deep sense of separation, where emotional ecstasy, affection , the attraction, and the relationship we feel for krishna are the essence and the absolute of our thoughts directed only to the Sovereign Lord and which concerns us continually. Absorbing oneself in Krsna consciousness through a sense of separation is the fastest way to reach Krishna. The very words of Krishna convinced the gopis of the power of the feeling of separation. They experienced the highest form of Krishna worship, far beyond material contingencies; understanding him relieved them and made them happy.

The ecstatic devotional service is the highest state in the love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. He is attained by all those who think continually, constantly to Krishna. And to calm the resulting state of separation, it is enough to think of Krishna's entertainment, of his glorious deeds, and to understand that God resides in our heart in his form of Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit. We are never separated from Him, He is always with us.

Lord Krishna says, "I want you to know that: never, in any place, under any circumstances, can we be separated, for I am everywhere present".

Krishna is the infinitely fascinating. All beings and all things are attracted by the Supreme Lord.

The Lord descends into this world at regular intervals to restore the spiritual culture that time has made decline. Kṛiṣhṇa appeared to regenerate spirituality among men, but also to manifest his divine entertainment. He appears to thus attract fallen souls so that they return to their original home, to the kingdom of God. When God, the Supreme Lord in his absolute form, descends into the material universe, all other Avatars gather in Him.





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