The Spiritual World
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Lord Himself, and therefore worthy to receive the worship of holy beings, pure beings. This assertion is particularly dear to the successors of Lord Chaitanya known as gaudiya-vaisnavas. And because these places are identical to the Lord, pure beings still populate the holy places of Vrindavana, and all are preparing to return to God, in their original home, located in the eternal kingdom.

Krishna enters the capital of his kingdom, Dvaraka.

As soon as you enter your capital, the rich metropolis, the Lord makes his very propitious conch sound. All the inhabitants know that Krishna has arrived, and from the minute the anxiety of his subjects subsides. Whenever the Lord comes down to earth, He comes surrounded by His eternal companions, like a king of his suite. They are souls eternally liberated, who can not suffer, so intense is their affection for Him, to see him go away, even for a moment. So the people of Dvaraka, gnawed by the pain, spent all their days hoping for his return. The sound of the conch, augurs very pompous, thus gives them courage, and we see on their faces the peace of separation. Their desire to see the Lord in their midst increases, and all are eagerly preparing to receive him properly. Let's see there signs of spontaneous love for God. The white and round conch, which Lord Krishna marries with his hand, and makes vibrate with his breath, becomes red with the touch of his sublime lips. It looks like an immaculate swan playing in the intertwined stems of red lotus.

Only pure beings can contemplate the personal, eternal form of the Lord. The Lord is never impersonal, He is God, the Supreme and Absolute Person, and the service of devotion allows us to see Him face to face, a privilege that remains otherwise completely impossible, even for the inhabitants of the higher, Edenic planets. . When Brahma and the other celestial beings need to consult Sri Visnu, Sri Krishna's full emanation, they must go to the shores of the ocean of milk, where the Lord is lying, on an island named Svetadvipa, the white earth. , this ocean of milk and the planet Svetadvipa are the replica, in our galaxy "The Milky Way", of Vaikunthaloka, spiritual planets of the kingdom of God. There, they transmit, by thought, their message to Sri Visnu, it is here Ksirodakasayi Visnu-, because none of them, not even Brahma or Indra, can enter the island. The Lord appears only rarely in the eyes of celestial beings, while the inhabitants of Dvaraka, by their pure devotion, free from all material defilements, from interested action or from empirical philosophical research, obtain the grace to see it. face to face. This grace is the original and natural condition of every living being, which only devotional service can help to find.

Dvaraka enjoys the riches offered by all seasons; plants, virtuous trees abound there. Everywhere, hermitages, orchards, gardens of flowers, parks and ponds lined with lotus add to its splendor. The portal of the city, the entrances of homes and the arches along the avenues for the occasion are all beautifully decorated with emblems of festivals [banana, mango leaves ...], to welcome the Lord. The banners, festoons




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