The Spiritual World
Page 48 of 88

On the hills and in the mountains grew weeds with mighty power and gushing gems. The holy presence of Krishna created a perfect harmony, and the inferior animals often of jealous nature, forgot to be envious.

When the bumblebee king sings the glories of the Lord in a high tone, turtledoves, cuckoos, cranes, cakravakas, swans, parrots, quails and peacocks cease their noise. And if all these divine birds so shut their own singing, it is for the sole purpose of hearing the glories of the Lord. In the absolute nature of Vaikuntha, there is no difference between birds and humans. The spiritual world is full of variety, and everything is spiritual too. The spiritual variety indicates that everything is animated. Nothing in the spiritual world is inanimate; even trees, earth, plants, flowers, birds and animals are aware of Krishna. The particularity of Vaikunthaloka is that there is no question of seeking some personal satisfaction. In the material universe, even the donkey loves to hear braying, but on the planets Vaikunthas, as wonderful birds as the peacock, the cakravaka and the cuckoo prefer to hear the bees sing the glories of the Lord that listen to their own songs. Thus, the principles of devotional service, beginning with listening and singing, are very marked in the Vaikuntha world.

Although flowering shrubs such as mandara, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, campaka, arna, punnaga, nagakesara, bakula, parijat and lily all exhale a purely spiritual fragrance, they remain aware of the austerities accomplished by the Tulasi plant, because the Lord gives him his preference and wears garlands made of his leaves.

The kingdom of God is populated with trees that make up the wonderful landscape of Vrindavana, the very source of existence for all living beings. The land of Vrindavana where all beings transcend the common nature, is totally spiritual. In the heart of the Vrindavana Forest, even fierce animals like tigers live in peace with deer and humans. By the mere presence of God, the Supreme Person, the land of Vrindavana, goes beyond any other place, and there is no concupiscence, no greed, no anguish.

In Vrindavana there are never-ending waterfalls, so sweet is their rumor that it covers the song of crickets. Because the water flows everywhere, the forest remains always green and splendid. The people of Vrindavana never have to suffer from the scorching heat of the sun, the high temperatures of the summer. In the lakes of Vrindavana, lined with green grass, various varieties of lotus flowers flourish, such as kalhara-kanjotpala, and the breeze of Vrindavana carries their aromatic pollen. The lakes and waterfalls project on the inhabitants of Vrindavana a refreshing water dust. So they know almost nothing of the inconvenience of summer. Vrindavana is a wonderful place. At any time of the year, the earth is covered with flowers. There are various varieties of deer, whose coat seems decorated. In Vrindavana, the bees buzz, the birds sing in all voices and the peacocks dance while shouting while the cuckoos sing in five modes. The people of Mathura (one of the regions of Vrindavana) find the joy of living there, protected by the powerful arms of Krishna and Balarama. And as by the presence of Krishna and Balarama the state is well governed, they experience total satisfaction. All their desires, all their material needs are met. As on the other




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