The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 584 of 728

Supreme Soul. Just as fire manifests itself in different kinds of wood, the purely spiritual soul, under different conditions created by the gunas (the three attributes or modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion ignorance), manifests itself in various bodies.

Thus the spiritualist can become a realized soul after having overcome the insurmountable spell of maya (The energy of illusion) which presents itself both as the cause and the effect of the material manifestation and which very difficult to understand.

Logos 350

God teaches us how to come to him and enter his kingdom.

I will now instruct you in the way of salvation, which requires continence, for the practice of union and communion with God consists in detaching oneself from all activity of the senses. It is by closing the doors of the senses, by keeping the mind fixed on the heart and by maintaining the vital air at the top of the head, that one establishes himself there.

Thus established in this practice, and pronouncing the sacred syllable Om, supreme alliance of letters, the one who, at the moment of leaving the body thinks of Me, God, the Supreme Person, that one, without a doubt, will reach the spiritual planets.

Thus, in Me Krishna, in My personal form, always absorb your thoughts, without failing to fight, as a warrior should. Dedicating your actions to Me, turning your mind and intelligence to Me, without a doubt you will come to Me. He who always remembers Me, the Supreme Lord, and meditates on Me, without straying from the way, no doubt comes to Me. We must meditate on the Supreme Lord as the Omniscient Being, the oldest, the Master and sustains him of all, who, even more tenuous than the most tenuous, is inconceivable, beyond material intelligence, and remains still a person. Resplendent like the sun, He transcends this world of darkness.

Because constantly absorbed in devotional service, the one who always remembers Me, without deviation, reaches Me without difficulty. When they have reached Me, the spiritualists imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus raised themselves to the highest perfection, never again return to this transitory world (the material universe), where suffering reigns.





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