The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 492 of 728

It is not yourself that you must seek to satisfy, as we believe in the material world, but God. And unless we satisfy the will of God, we cannot pretend to observe the true principle of spirituality. Thus, the interest of the human being is to do the will of God, as the Lord Himself suggests.

Logos 236

“What, even against his will, makes a man sin, as if he were forced to?”

The Eternal Supreme answers: “It is lust alone. Born into contact with passion, then turned into anger, it is the devastating enemy of the world and source of sin.”

When the soul comes into contact with material creation, its love for God is transformed, under the influence of passion, into lust. Unfulfilled, this lust turns into anger, and anger becomes illusion, thanks to which we remain prisoners of material existence. Concupiscence is therefore the greatest enemy of being; she is the one who keeps the pure soul trapped in matter. Anger and its aftermath are manifestations of ignorance, but we can use passion to elevate ourselves to virtue, following certain rules of life, rather than letting it draw us into ignorance; we will thus develop a taste for the spiritual, which will guarantee us against the decline of anger.

God, the Supreme Person, unfolds endlessly, so that his spiritual bliss grows constantly, and all beings contribute to this boundless bliss. They too have a certain independence, but because they have misused it, because they have transformed their devout attitude into a desire for material enjoyment, they have fallen under the influence of lust. God is the Absolute Truth, and the origin of all things. The source of lust is therefore also the Absolute. And if lust is transformed into love for the Supreme Being, that is to say, in consciousness of God, which consists in desiring everything for Him, this lust, as well as anger, will be spiritualized. Therefore, lust and anger, when used in the service of God, of enemies turn into friends.

Logos 237

The true gospel specifies: “Those who speak of fraternity and universal solidarity, but only consider the material body, are false philanthropists. The real notion of universal brotherhood is that which ignores the color of the material body and the shape of the latter. It is that which leads to love all living beings, human, animal and vegetable, of the same love, which considers only the spiritual soul and which leads to see in each




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