The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 444 of 728

The Lord wants all beings to think of Him constantly, to become his devotees and to worship Him in all circumstances. God wants to see all beings thinking of Him. All must offer their homage to God. This is the will of the Sovereign Lord, and it is the duty of the sage to strive to fulfill his desire. Now, as the Lord is unlimited, so is his desire. There is therefore no interruption or limit in the service of the holy being to God.

The spiritual world sees in fact an endless competition taking place between the Lord and his servant. The Lord wishes to satisfy his desires ad infinitum, and the servant strives to serve him to fulfill his unlimited desires. It is in this sense that there is a unity of interest unfolding ad infinitum between the Lord and his devotee.

Logos 158

The Lord said: “Leave all your illusory occupations in this world there and simply surrender yourself to Me. The consequences of your faults, I will set you free.”

The Eternal Supreme created the material universe for the souls incarnated and conditioned by the matter and the illusory energy, which wish to dominate it and feel the sensory benefits. This universe is not made for those who have no desire for sensory satisfaction and who remain constantly absorbed in the service of absolute love of the Lord, eternally aware of God. For them, the spiritual world continues to exist eternally, and this is where they get their joy. Those who have found refuge with the Lord, the material universe has no value because danger threatens with each step, it is not intended for holy beings, but rather for souls willing to dominate the material energy. their own risks.

God shows such benevolence that He gives souls captivated by the pleasure of the senses a separate world, created by Him, to allow them to benefit from existence as they wish. It is reluctantly that the Lord creates the material universe, but He descends into it in his personal form or sends there one of his sons or one of his trustworthy servants, to instruct conditioned souls, and he also transmits them his directives through the scriptures.

All this preaching work takes place at the same time as creation, in order to convince the misguided souls who languish in the material universe to return and surrender to Him.





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