The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 447 of 728

restriction of sexual activities. Holy beings who dedicate themselves to the consciousness of God should all abide by these principles.

Logos 163

In truth, we are not our body of matter, but a spiritual soul.

As soon as the soul enters the material body, it immediately falls into oblivion of its true identity, its past and therefore its previous life. Therefore it identifies with its material body, that is the false ego.

The false ego is at the foundation of all material activities, which are carried out according to the three gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion, ignorance. As soon as one deviates from the pure consciousness of God, one is only more entangled in the traps of matter. Now, the sinking created by materialism is represented by the material mind, from which the material senses and organs proceed.

it is not enough to reach the level of pure awareness of God, but one must also exercise great vigilance. The slightest inattention or neglect can lead to a fall. And such a fall is due to the false ego. It is therefore from the state of pure consciousness that the false ego appears, due to a misuse of independence. There is no question of speculating on what may have caused the false ego to arise from pure consciousness. In fact, it always risks to happen, so we have to be very careful and keep God in our minds while always thinking of Him.

Logos 164

The fear that beings feel towards death is explained by their identification with the body. All beings are afraid of death. In reality, there is no death for the spiritual soul, (What we are) but because of our deep identification with the body, a fear of death develops in us.

Matter proceeds from the mind. Just as the material elements have their origin in the Supreme Spiritual Being, the body itself is a product of the spiritual soul. He who is absorbed in this subsequent manifestation of the spirit, the body, fears death. On the other hand, the one who has the firm conviction of being distinct from his body, does not conceive the slightest fear with regard to death, because the spiritual soul does not die. If the soul engages in the spiritual activities of the devotional service




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