The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 441 of 728

Logos 153

Brahma, the demiurge and first created being, prayed to the Lord not to let him forget his eternal relationship with Him in the course of his material activities, for he did not want to be plunged into the darkness of ignorance, nor to be separated of God let alone forget it.

In response to this prayer, the Lord enjoins him not to believe for a moment that he can exist independently of his omnipotence. The example He gives about this is that of fire. The flame that comes from the wood is always the same, regardless of the wood used. Likewise, the bodies which inhabit material creation may present specific differences as to their form and quality, but the spiritual souls which animate them do not differ from one another. The property of fire, heat, is everywhere the same, and the spiritual spark, that fragment of the Supreme Spiritual Being, is of the same nature for all beings. This is how the power of the Lord is distributed throughout all of his creation. Only this absolute knowledge can free us from the stain where the material illusion plunges us.

At this level, since the power of the Lord is omnipresent, the pure soul, the devotee of the Lord, can see everything in relation to Him, so that he has no attachment to the outer envelopes, the material bodies. This pure spiritual vision immunizes her against any defilement to which the contact of matter exposes her. The holy being never forgets the presence of the Lord, whatever the circumstances.

Forgetting God is the worst punishment there is, because it is being plunged into darkness, blindness, ignorance, anguish, fear, despair, suffering and death.

On the other hand, knowing the Supreme Eternal, being immersed in the conscience of God, naturally leads to love him, to take pleasure in obeying him, to do his will, to surrender to him, to serve him with love and devotion, and thus benefit from its gentle protection. We then find ourselves in light, bliss, knowledge, absolute truth and eternal life.

Logos 154

The Lord says: “when you adopt the service of devotion, the moment will come or in the course of your creative activities, you will see me in you and everywhere in the universe, just as you will see in Me your own person, the entire universe and all living things”.





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