The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 439 of 728

The entire material creation is for beings dominated by the false ego who wander on the mental plane under the influence of the various illusions engendered by the three gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, and who end up forgetting their true spiritual soul identity and identifying with their material body. The main function of the false ego is to foster atheism.

Logos 150

Evil is the result of the break with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

This break is characterized by the refusal of the authority and supremacy of the Supreme Eternal, to submit to him, to obey him, to surrender to him, to serve him with love and devotion, to apply his word and his commandments. It is to express the unrestrained desire to act as we please in a spirit of domination and above all, to envy God.

To those who persist in this evil path, the Lord says: “The envious and the evil, the last of men, I immerse them in the ocean of material existence in the various forms of demonic life. These, being reborn life after life in demonic species, can never approach Me. Gradually, they sink into the most abominable condition.”

Whoever blasphemes the Lord will have to be reborn into a family of unbelievers, where he is likely to forget the service of the Lord.

Logos 151

The Lord said: “Those who always serve Me and adore Me with love and devotion, I give them the intelligence by which they will be able to come to Me.”

The service of love and devotion offered to the Lord is characterized by the fact that the holy being, the one who practices it, must be free from all forms of defilement and material desire. This liberation is the renouncement of all material desire. He who is absorbed in the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord by following the regulatory principles which govern him, is naturally freed from all material desire, and it is when this level is reached that one can realize the Supreme Lord. The Divine Person, located in the heart of every being, instructs his devotee on the matter of pure devotional service, so that he can finally get his company.





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