The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 393 of 728

immediately raised to the level of the Absolute, where it no longer risks falling under the yoke of matter, in what is called conditioned existence.

No one is able to perceive the presence of the Lord in all circumstances, unless he is endowed with the requisite spiritual vision, which confers the service of love and devotion dedicated to God.

Logos 75

The doubts linked to duality arise from an erroneous conception of the body, which the lower intelligences perceive as being in itself. Ignorance consists in identifying ourselves with our carnal envelope and in considering everything related to the body as our own.

The doubts resulting from a false conception of me and mine, my body, my relatives, my property, my wife, my children, my wealth, my country, my race, and a thousand other illusory objects of contemplation, represent as many sources of error for the soul conditioned by matter. Now, one who assimilates the teachings of the science of God can be assured of being free from such trouble, for true knowledge consists in understanding that the Supreme Lord is everything, including oneself.

Everything is a manifestation of his power, as a fragment of his Divine Being, and since power is no different from the one who possesses this power, the concept of duality immediately vanishes for those who attain perfect knowledge.

Logos 76

It is in the kingdom of God that true sublime happiness is found.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the true source of happiness. In truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person being the source of all pleasure and the reservoir of all blessings, who dwells with Him enjoys deep, ineffable, perfect, unlimited, incessant, permanent and eternal happiness. It can be said that true spiritualists, holy beings, and servants of God actually enjoy life. Their pleasure is limitless and constitutes true happiness, a happiness which is not material but spiritual. The joy that comes from spiritual life is all joy, like Krishna Himself.

Krishna, God says: “Whoever reaches the spiritual level realizes at the same time the Supreme Being, and finds there an infinite joy. He never grieves, he never yearns for anything”.





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